Critical essays, reviews, and notices may be submitted by electronic mail (as an attached Microsoft Word document, if possible) or by snail-mail. Please note that PMC is no longer accepting unsolicited works of fiction or poetry.
Postmodern Culture is interested in critical readings of culture as well as in theory of culture, including literary theory. Ideological work such as essays in political theory, cultural materialism, identity politics, cultural critique, critical ethnic studies, poststructuralism (Deleuze, Derrida, Spivak), ecocriticism, animal studies, digital media, popular music, and urban studies, inter alia, is particularly welcome. We also welcome experimental work, shorter essays, and multimedia. We accept unsolicited manuscripts for review and are interested to consider proposals for special issues.
Review process:
Submissions are first read in-house to determine wether they are suitable for formal review with PMC. This usually takes between 1-3 weeks. Work for review is sent out anonymously to two readers from our board. Other experts may be consulted when board readers for a given essay are not available. We ask readers to return their readings in 6-8 weeks, but they sometimes take longer. Reader reports are anonymous and are sent to authors. If both readers recommend publication, we accept; if they differ, we usually send the essay to a third reader; if they request revisions, we send the essay once revised back to them for re-evaluation. Work that is rejected may be resubmitted after revision, and is considered new work. In the interest of authors, Postmodern Culture allows work under review to be submitted for publication elsewhere.
PMC publishes reviews of scholarly books in our fields of interest. We also welcome reviews of cultural events, films and film festivals, art exhibits and trends, and music. All reviews should be critically informed and should situate the work they are considering in critical and cultural context. Reviews can be sent directly to the review editors.
Authors hold copyright on their work and may republish it anywhere, so long as prior publication in PMC is acknowledged. PMC holds copyright on each issue as a whole. An author’s work may not be reproduced without the author’s written consent.
Author’s Guide:
The current MLA format is required for documentation in essays; please use a Works Cited page. PMC does not have a specific word length requirement, but essays appearing in the journal tend to be between 6,000 and 11,000 words.
Multi-Media Elements:
Postmodern Culture can publish still images, sound, animations, and full-motion video as well as text. For the time being, the following formatting restrictions should be observed:
- In-line images (on the page) must be in .jpg or .gif formats, and must be the size at which you want them to display, with the maximum allowable width being 420 pixels.
- Sound files can be in .au, .wav, Real Audio, or Quicktime formats. As with image files, HTML markup should indicate placement of the audio clip, using the exact filename.
- Video should be in MPEG or Quicktime formats. As above, indicate placement of the video clip in the HTML markup of the document to which it is attached.
Bear in mind that your document still needs to be intelligible without the multi-media elements, since many of our readers will not be able to see these elements. Also, do remember that you must have appropriate permissions in order to use photographs, drawings, sound, or video that was originally produced by someone other than you: the same intellectual property rules apply to the Web as apply in print.
Editors’ Address:
Send correspondence and electronic submissions to:
Snail Mail:
Managing Editor/Postmodern Culture
University California, Irvine
Department of Comparative Literature
243 Humanities Instructional Building
Irvine, CA 92697