Notes on Contributors

Michaela Büsse is a postdoctoral researcher at the Technische Universität Dresden working with the Chair of Digital Cultures, and Associated Investigator in the cluster of excellence “Matters of Activity. Image Space Material” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on sociomaterial transformations in the context of speculative urbanism, climate change mitigation, and energy transition. Drawing on elemental anthropology as well as feminist science and technology studies, she investigates how design practices and technologies govern environments and define who and what is rendered inhuman. Michaela’s interdisciplinary practice is research-led and involves filming, editorial, and curatorial work.

Fred Carter is a postdoctoral researcher with the Infrastructure Humanities Group at the University of Glasgow, and Fellow of the Rachel Carson Centre, Munich. His current monograph project, Poetry & Energy After 1973, traces the emergence of a poetics of exhaustion and a politics of refusal against intersecting crises of petroleum, productivity, and social reproduction. With Jeff Diamanti, he is co-director of the practice research residency FieldARTS. His first poetry chapbook, Outages, is forthcoming with Veer2.

Jeff Diamanti is Assistant Professor of Environmental Humanities (Cultural Analysis & Philosophy) at the University of Amsterdam. His first book, Climate and Capital in the Age of Petroleum: Locating Terminal Landscapes (Bloomsbury 2021), tracks the political and media ecology of fossil fuels across the extractive and logistical spaces that connect remote territories like Greenland to the economies of North America and Western Europe. His new research on Bloom Ecologies details the return to natural philosophy in the marine and atmospheric sciences, studying the interactive dynamics of the cryosphere and hydrosphere in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean.

Maria Sledmere is a writer, critic, and artist. They were recently named as one of the Saltire Society’s “40 under 40” list of “outstanding Scottish creatives,” having authored over twenty books of poetry, including Cocoa and Nothing with Colin Herd (SPAM Press, 2023), An Aura of Plasma Around the Sun (Hem Press, 2023) and Visions & Feed (HVTN Press, 2022). Maria is Managing Editor of SPAM Press, a member of A+E Collective and Lecturer in English & Creative Writing at the University of Strathclyde, where they teach contemporary poetry and experimental literatures. Their critical work can be found in the Journal for Innovative British and Irish Poetrypost45Coils of the Serpent and MAP Magazine, among other places.

Mareike Winchell is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is the author of After Servitude: Elusive Property and the Ethics of Kinship in Bolivia (University of California Press, 2022).Winchell’s research focuses on the racialization of property in light of ongoing histories of Indigenous land dispossession, and how such formations find new expression in contemporary engagements with climate change, especially wildfires.