Anouncements & Advertisements



Every issue of Postmodern Culture will carry notices of events, calls for papers, and other announcements, up to 250 words, free of charge. Advertisements will also be published on an exchange basis. Send anouncements and advertisements to:


     Journal and Book Announcements:

1)   _The Centennial Review_
2)   _Sub Stance_
3)   _Public Culture_
4)   _College Literature_
5)   _Poetics Today_
6)   _XB_
7)   _Perforations_
8)   _Amazons International_
9)   _After the Book_ { a special issue by _Perforations_ }
10)  _Robert Lax and Concrete Poetry_
11)  _Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction_
12)  _Positions_
13)  _SOPHIA_
14)  _Delphi Network Newsletter_
16)  _Beyond Metafiction: Self- Consciousness in Soviet        
17)  _GNET_: An Archive and Electronic Journal

     Calls for Papers and Participants:

18)  Association for Computers and the Humanities Association for
          Literary and Linguistic Computing
19)  _Without any Rules: The Politics and Poetics of the       
20)  _MFS:  Modern Fiction Studies_
21)  _Vietnam Generation_
22)  Composition as Explanation

     Conferences and Societies

23)  _Cylinder_
24)  SUNY Stonybrook Conference on Reproductive Technologies:
          Narratives, Gender, Society
25)  1992 Modern Languages Association Convention
26)  Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
27)  Committee on Computing as a Cultural Process (American
          Anthropological Association)
28)  _Rethinking Marxism_: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and
29)  31st annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and
          Existential Philosophy
30)  University of Manitoba: A Consortium for Network Publication
          of Refereed Research Journals
31)  8th Annual Conference on the Scientific Study of          
32)  Program of Events for the V2 Organization
33)  3rd Washington, D.C. Virtual Reality Conference 

     Networked Discussion Groups

34)  _SEMIOS-L_
35)  _SOCHIST_


37)  Department of English at Carnegie Mellon University


38)  Travel Grants to the Center for Sales, Advertising, and
          Marketing History Special Collections Library, Duke


_The Centennial Review_            

Edited by R. K. Meiners

The _Centennial Review_ is committed to reflection on
intellectual work, particularly as set in the University and its
environment.  We are interested in work that examines models of
theory and communication in the physical, biological, and human
sciences; that re-reads major texts and authoritative documents
in different disciplines or explores interpretive procedures;
that questions the cultural and social implications of research
in a variety of disciplines.

Issues now available:

Fall 1991:  _Discourses of Mourning, Survival, and Commemoration_
Articles by James Hatley, Donald Kuspit, Tony Brinkley and Joseph
Arsenault, Marshall W. Alcorn, Jr., Peter Balakian, R. K.
Meiners, Louis Kaplan, Hans Borchers, Morris Grossman, Berel
Lang, David William Foster; Poetry by Dimitris Tsaloumas, Sherri
Szeman, Walter Toneeo, Henry Gilfond, Elizabeth R. Curry, Peter

Winter 1992:  _Cultural Studies_  Articles by Douglas Kellner,
Eyal Amiran, John Unsworth, and Carol Chaski, Steven Best, Janet
Staiger, Jeffrey Seinfeld, Charles Altieri, Tony Barnstone;
Poetry by Hillel Schwartz, Robert Hahn, Michael Atkinson, John

Spring 1992:  Articles by Stephen Gill, Peter Baker, R. M. Berry,
Carole Anne Taylor, Michel Valentin, Edward M. Griffen, Robert
Erwin, Ronald Hauser, Karl Albert Scherner (transl. Ronald
Hauser), Diana Dolev and Haim Gordon, Albert Feuerwerker, Donald
Lammers, Ileana A. Orlich.

Subscription rates:  1 year/$10.00  2 years/$15.00
                         Single issues/$5.00
(postage outside US Please add $3.00 per year, prices in effect
through September 1992)

Make checks payable to:

_The Centennial Review_
312 Linton Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan


_Sub Stance_

Edited by:  Sydney Levy and Michel Pierssens

Published: 3/year   ISSN: 0049-2426

Promotes new thoughts by leading American and European authors
which alter the perception of contemporary culture--be it
artistic, humanistic, or scientific.  Represents literary theory,
philosophy, psychoanalysis, art criticism, and film studies.

Rates:     Individuals (must pre-pay)   $21 / yr.
           Institutions                 $68 / yr.
           Foreign postage              $ 8 / yr.
           Airmail                      $25 / yr.

           We accept MasterCard and VISA.  Canadian customers
           please remit 7% Goods and Services Tax.

Please write for a free brochure and back issue list to:

Journal Division
University of Wisconsin Press
114 North Murray Street
Madison, WI  53715 USA

Or call, 608-262-4952, FAX 608-262-7560


_Public Culture_

Edited by  Carol A. Breckenridge

Engaging critical analyses of tensions between global cultural
flows and public cultures in a diasporic world.

Volume 4, Number 1 (Fall 1991)
   * Looking at Film Hoardings       R. Srivatsan
   * The Doors of Public Culture     Pradip Krishen
   * The Meaning of Baseball in 1992 Bill Brown
   * Becoming the Armed Man          J. William Gibson
   * The Function of New Theory      Xiaobing Tang
   * Worldly Discourses              Dan Rose
   * Voices of the Rainforest        Steven Feld
   * Anuradhapura                    Wimal Disanayake
   * River and Bridge                Meena Alexander

Volume 4, Number 2 (Spring 1992)
   * The Banality of Power and the
     Aesthetics of Vulgarity in
     the Postcolony                  Achille Mbembe
   * Take Care of Public Telephones  Robert J. Foster
   * The Death of History?           Dipesh Charrabarty
   * The Public Fetus and the Family
     Car                             Janelle Sue Taylor
   * Race and the Humanities: The
     End of Modernity?               Homi Bhabha
   * "Disappeating" Iraqis           David Prochaska
   * Algeria Caricatures the Gulf
     War                             Susan Slyomovics
   * Mobilizing Fictions             Robert Stam
   * Television and the Gulf War     Victor J. Caldarola

_Public Culture_ is published biannually.  A years subscription
for individuals is $10.00 ($14.00 foreign); institutions $20.00
($24.00 foreign).  Back issues are available for individuals at
$6.50 ($8.50 foreign);  institutions $13.00 ($15.00 foreign).

Write to:
University of Chicago
Weiboldt Hall
1010 E. 59th Street
Chicago, IL  60637


_College Literature_

Edited by  Kostas Myrsiades

A triannual literary journal for the college classroom.

"In one bold stroke you seem to have turned _College Literature_
into one of the things everyone will want to read."
   Cary Nelson

"My Sense is that _College Literature_ will have a substantial
influence in the field of literacy and cultural studies."
   Henry A. Giroux

"A journal one must consult to keep tabs on cultural theory and
contemporary discourse, particularly in relation to pedagogy."
   Robert Con Davis

Forthcoming issues:
   Cultural Studies: Theory, Praxis, Pedagogy
   Teaching Postcolonial Literatures
   Europe and America: The Legacy of Discovery
   Third World Women
   African American Writing

Subscription rates:       US          Foreign
           Individuals    $24/year    $29/year
           Institutions   $48/year    $53/year

Send Prepaid orders to:

_College Literature_
Main 544
West Chester University
West Chester, PA  19383


_Poetics Today_

Edited by:  Itamar Even-Zohar

International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature
and Communication

_Children's Literature_  A special issue edited by Zohar Shavit.

This volume addresses the wide spread of cultural issues raised
by the study of children's culture, the teaching function of
children's literature, and current thinking on the demarcation of

boundaries between children's and adult literature.
$14, 261 pages, 13:1 Spring 1992

Subscription rates:

Individuals: $28, Institutions: $56, Single issue $14
(Add $8 for subscriptions outside the U.S.)

Send Check, money order, credit card number to:

Duke University Press
Journals Division
6697 College Station
Durham, NC  27708

Call or FAX us between 8:00 and 4:00 EST with your VISA,
MasterCard or American Express order.

Phone:  919-684-6837  FAX: 919-684-8644



   A bibliographic database of the literature of xerography,
(photo)copier art, electrostatic printing and electrographic art,
seeks data and materials about the form copy art & the use of
duplicative printing technologies for cultural or artistic
purposes by artists or non-artists for input into the Procite
bibliographic software for the Macintosh. An ongoing art
information-information art project, Xb requests submissions
especially in machine-readable form but also in other media
formats: periodicals, serials, newspaper and magazine clippings,
exhibition announcements and catalogs, monographs, search
printouts and information on disk, all these are of interest.
A copy of the completed bibliography or the database on diskette
(Procite databases work equally well on Mac or IBM) to each
contributor along with some sort of documentation of the process
and a list of participants.

Submissions via mailways, telephone or Bitnet/Internet/ Well to:

c/o Reed Altemus OR
mail: 16 Blanchard Road
      Cumberland Ctr., Maine
      04021-97       USA
phone: (207)829-3666



_After the Book: Writing Literature Writing Technology_
A special issue of _Perforations_ magazine, is now in production.
Contributors include:

*Virtual Orphicality: Telepathy, Virtuality,
 and Encysted Sense Ratios              Robert Cheatham
*Gaps, Maps, and Perception: What Hypertext Readers
 (Don't) do                             Jane Yellowlees Douglas
*Yet Still More (Storyspace hypertext)  Shawn FitzGerald
*Colloquy and Intergrams: Two Interactive
 Prosodies                              Richard Gess
*The Computational Score                Francesco Giomi
*After the Book?                        Carolyn Guyer
*Grotesque Corpus: Hypertext as
 Carnival                               Terence Harpold
*Hypertext Narrative                    Michael Joyce
*Wasting Time (IBM-compatible
 narrabase)                             Judy Malloy
*Dreamtime (HyperCard hyperfiction);
 Shadow of the Informand: A Rhetorical
 Experiment in Hypertext (essay)        Stuart Moulthrop
*Hypertext: Permeable Skin              Martha Petry
*Poetics and Hypertext                  Jim Rosenberg
*Contingency, Liberation, and the
 Seduction of Geometry: Hypertext as
 an Avant-Garde Medium                  Martin Rosenberg

Plus fiction by Dea Anne Martin, comics by Grace Braun, poetry by
Joe Amato, cultural commentary by Alan Sondheim, and more.

_Perforations_, a journal of language, art, and technology, is
published by Atlanta's Public Domain arts collective. To order
"After the Book," send a check or money order for $20 (payable to
Public Domain) to:

Public Domain
PO Box 8899
Atlanta GA 30306-0899

Voice mail: (404) 612-7529. E-mail:

Guest Editor: Richard Gess


_Amazons International_

   An electronic digest newsletter for and about Amazons
(physically and psychologically strong, assertive women who are
not afraid to break free from traditional ideas about gender
roles, femininity and the female physique) and their friends and
lovers.  _Amazons International_ is dedicated to the image of the
female hero in fiction and in fact, as it is expressed in art and
literature, in the physiques and feats of female athletes, in
sexual values and practices, and provides information, discussion
and a supportive environment for these values and issues.  Gender
role traditionalists and others who are opposed to Amazon ideals
should not subscribe.



_After the Book_



This special issue of _PERFORATIONS_ features a gathering of new
essays on electronic writing and three new electronic texts in
HyperCard, Storyspace, and IBM formats. Contributors and
contributions include:

*New Dystopian Comics                    Grace Braun
*Virtual Orphicality: Telepathy,
 Virtuality, and Encysted Sense Ratios   Robert Cheatham
*Gaps, Maps, and Perception: What
 Hypertext Readers (Don't) Do            Jane Douglas
*Yet Still More (Storyspace hypertext)   Shawn FitzGerald
*Colloquy and Intergrams: Two
 Interactive Prosodies                   Richard Gess
*The Computational Score                 Francesco Giomi
*After the Book?                         Carolyn Guyer
*Grotesque Corpus: Hypertext as Carnival Terry Harpold
*Hypertext Narrative                     Michael Joyce
*Wasting Time (IBM-compatible electronic
 fiction)                                Judy Malloy
*Dolls/Meat/Avila (fiction)              Dea Anne Martin
*Dreamtime (HyperCard hyperfiction),
 and Shadow of the Informand: A
 Rhetorical Experiment in Hypertext      Stuart Moulthrop
*Hypertext: Permeable Skin               Martha Petry
*Du Ranten (Rant II)                     Chea Prince
*Poetics and Hypertext                   Jim Rosenberg
*Contingency, Liberation, and the
 Seduction of Geometry: Hypertext as an
 Avant-Garde Medium                      Martin Rosenberg
*Knowledge Flux and Questions for
 M. Chaput                               Alan Sondheim

_PERFORATIONS_, a journal of language, art, and technology, is
published by Atlanta's Public Domain arts collective.
To order "After the Book," send check or money order for $20
payable to Public Domain to:

Public Domain
PO Box 8899
Atlanta, Ga 30306-0899
Voice mail: (404) 612-7529. E-mail:

Guest Editor: Richard Gess


Robert Lax and Concrete Poetry
3 August - 23 October 1992

Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Butler Library -- Sixth Floor
Columbia University

A travelling exhibit, originating from the Burchfield Art Center
at SUNY-Buffalo and consisting of some 30 examples of Robert
Lax's concrete poetry and another 40 examples of work by various
writers including Bill Bissett, Raymond Federman, Ian Hamilton
Finaly, and Aram Saroyan.

An exhibition catalog, which includes essays by Mary Ellen Solt
and Robert Bertholf, is available for five dollars.


_Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction_

by Marleen S. Barr

Forthcoming from the University of Iowa Press in November.

The surprising and controversial thesis of _FEMINIST FABULATION_
is unflinching: the postmodern canon has systematically excluded
a wide range of important women's writing by dismissing it as
genre fiction. Marleen S. Barr issues an urgent call for a
corrective, for the recognition of a new meta- or super-genre of
contemporary fiction--feminist fabulation--which includes both
acclaimed mainstream works and works which today's critics
consistently denigrate or ignore. In its investigation of the
relationship between feminist writers and postmodern fiction in
terms of outer space and canonical space, _FEMINIST FABULATION_
is a pioneer vehicle built to explore postmodernism in terms of
female literary spaces which have something to do with real-world

Branding the postmodern canon as a masculinist utopia and a
Nowhere for feminists, Barr offers the stunning argument that
feminist science fiction is not science fiction at all but is
really metafiction about patriarchal fiction.  Barr's concern is
directed every bit as much toward contemporary feminist critics
as it is toward patriarchal institutions.  Rather than focusing
so much energy on reclaiming female authors of the past, she
suggests, feminist critics should direct more attention to the
present's lost feminist fabulators, writers steeped in
nonpatriarchal definitions of reality who can guide us into
another order of world altogether.

Barr offers very specific plans for a new literary category that
can impact upon women, feminist theory, postmodern theory, and
science fiction theory alike. _FEMINIST FABULATION_ calls for a
new understanding of postmodern fiction which will better enable
the canon to accommodate feminist difference and emphasizes that
the literature called "feminist SF" is an important site of
postmodern feminist difference.  Barr motivates readers to
rethink the whole country club of postmodernism, not just the
membership list--and in so doing provides a discourse of this
century worthy of a prominent place in institutions like the
practice of criticism and the teaching of literature.



East Asia cultural critique offers a new forum of debate for
all concerned with the social, intellectual and political events
unfolding in east Asia and within the Asian diaspora.  Profound
political changes and intensifying global flows of labor and
capital in the late twentieth century are rapidly redrawing
national and regional borders.  These transformations compel us
to rethink our priorities in scholarship, teaching and criticism.
Mindful of the dissolution of the discursive binary East and
West, _POSITIONS_ advocates placing cultural critique at the
center of historical and theoretical practice.  The global forces
that are reconfiguring our world continue to sustain formulations
of nation, gender, class and ethnicity.  We propose to call into
question those still-pressing, yet unstable categories by
crossing academic boundaries and rethinking the
terms of our analysis.   These efforts, we hope, will contribute
toward informed discussion both in and outside the academy.

_POSITIONS_ central premise is that criticism must always be
self-critical. Critique of another social order must be
self-aware as commentary on our own. Likewise, we seek critical
practices that reflect on the politics of knowing and that
connect our scholarship to the struggles of those whom we study.

All these endeavors require that we account for positions as
places, contexts, power relations, and links between knowledge
and knowers as actors in existing social institutions.  In
seeking to explore how theoretical practices are linked across
national and ethnic divides we hope to construct other positions
from which to imagine political affinities across the many
dimensions of our differences.

_POSITIONS_ is an independent refereed journal.  Its direction is
taken at the initiative of its editorial collective as well as
through the encouragement from its readers and writers.

To subscribe for triannual magazine beginning in spring 1993
write to:

Mr. Steve A Cohn
Journals Manager
Duke University Press
6697 College Station
Durham, NC 27708.

To submit a manuscript send three copies to:

Tani E Barlow
Senior Editor
94 Castro Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

or e-mail:



Australia is proud to announce the return of _Sophia_, a journal
for discussion in modern and postmodern philosophical issues in
theology, religion, metaphysics, feminist theology, ecotheology,
crosscultural critiques of traditional Western doctrinal bases,
indeed in all kinds of `deconstruction' of traditional modes of
establishing the origins and grounds of `faith'.

Short articles of up to 5000 words are welcomed; reviews will
also be invited, notices of book discussions and notes on
previously published articles as well.

The journal has a circulation of some 600 internationally and is
very inexpensive to subscribe to: US$12 for three issues in a
year. Send order to:

Faculty of Humanities
Deakin University
Geelong, Victoria 3217

Editor is Dr Purushottama Bilimoria
(*same address; e-mail address:

Further information can be sent by postal mail to anyone
who would like to receive a brochure and sample pages.

        Our motto: `She is wisdom'.
By the way, information can also be had from our Cambridge, MAss
representative at Harvard:

Ms Kristyn Saunders
c/o Mail Room
Harvard Divinity School,
45 Francis Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138.


_Delphi Network Newsletter_

A monthly newsletter, commenting on current higher educational
practices; a devil's advocate view of administration and
classroom teaching.

Write for a free copy to:

David V. Jenrette
Basic Communication Studies
Miami-Dade Community College North
11380 NW 27th Ave.
Miami, FL  33167

or phone:  305-237-1579


                      _PYNCHON NOTES_ 26-27
                          Now Available


                         John M. Krafft
                   Miami University--Hamilton
                       1601 Peck Boulevard
                    Hamilton, OH  45011-3399
E-mail: jmkrafft@miavx2.bitnet or

                        Khachig Tololyan
                       English Department
                       Wesleyan University
                   Middletown, CT  06457-6061

                       Bernard Duyfhuizen
                       English Department
               University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire
                   Eau Claire, WI  54702-4004
    E-mail: pnotesbd@uwec.bitnet or

  _Pynchon Notes_ is published twice a year, in spring and fall.

  Submissions: The editors welcome submission of manuscripts
either in traditional form or in the form of text files on floppy
disk.  Disks may be 5.25" or 3.5"; IBM-compatible preferred.
Convenient formats include ASCII, DCA, WordStar, Microsoft Word,
and WordPerfect 4.1 or later.  Manuscripts, notes and queries,
and bibliographic information should be addressed to John M.

  Subscriptions: North America, $5.00 per single issue or $9.00
per year (or double number); Overseas, $6.50 per single issue or
$12.00 per year, mailed air/printed matter.  Checks should be
made payable to Bernard Duyfhuizen--PN.  Subscriptions and
back-issue requests should be addressed to Bernard Duyfhuizen.

  _Pynchon Notes_ is supported in part by the English Departments
of Miami University--Hamilton and the University of Wisconsin--
Eau Claire.

                       Copyright (c) 1992
    John M. Krafft, Khachig Tololyan, and Bernard Duyfhuizen

                         ISSN 0278-1891

                     CONTENTS OF _PN_ 26-27

Pynchon's Politics: The Presence of an Absence
  Charles Hollander                                             5

Pynchon in Life
  Terry Caesar                                                 61

From Puritanism to Paranoia: Trajectories of History in
Weber and Pynchon
  Ralph Schroeder                                              69

"How Do You Spell Reality?--'O-U-T-A-S-E'": Or How I Learned to
Stop _Gravity's Rainbow_ and Start Worrying
  Stephen Jukiri and Alan Nadel                                81

Grab-bagging in _Gravity's Rainbow_: Incidental (Further)
Notes and Sources
  George Schmundt-Thomas                                    
St. Ruggles' Struggles, Chapter 4)
  Alec McHoul                                                  97

_Vineland_ in the Mainstream Press: A Reception Study
  Douglas Keesey                                              107

Coming Home: Pynchon's Morning in America
  Sanford S. Ames                                             115

A Note on Television in _Vineland_
  Albert Piela III                                            125

Pynchon and Cornell Engineering Physics, 1953-54
  Lance Schachterle                                           129

Slade Revisited, or, The End(s) of Pynchon Criticism
(Review Essay)
  Brian McHale                                                139

Pynchon's Intertextual Circuits (Review)
  Khachig Tololyan                                            153

Rediscovering the Humane in the Human (Review)
  Stacey Olster                                               163

"But Who, They?": Pynchon's Political Allegory (Review)
  Eyal Amiran                                                 167

Other Books Received                                          173

Notes                                                         175

Bibliography (--1992)                                         177

Contributors                                                  191

                            BACK ISSUES

  _Pynchon Notes_ has been published since October 1979.
Although most back issues are now out of print, they are
available in the form of photocopies.

Nos.  1- 4: $1.50 each;  Overseas, $ 2.50.
Nos.  5-10: $2.50 each;  Overseas, $ 3.50.
Nos. 11-17: $3.00 each;  Overseas, $ 4.50.
No.  18-19: $7.00;       Overseas, $10.00.
No.  20-21: $7.00;       Overseas, $10.00.
No.  22-23: $9.00;       Overseas, $12.00.
No.  24-25: $9.00;       Overseas, $12.00.

  Khachig Tololyan and Clay Leighton's _Index_ to all the names,
other capitalized nouns, and acronyms in _Gravity's Rainbow_ is
also available.

_Index_: $5.00;  Overseas, $6.50.

  All checks should be made payable to Bernard Duyfhuizen--PN.
Overseas checks must be payable in US dollars and payable through
an American bank or an American branch of an overseas bank.

               _Pynchon Notes_ is a member of CELJ
         the Conference of Editors of Learned Journals.


Due for publication on 8 October:

_Beyond Metafiction: Self- Consciousness in Soviet Literature_,
by David Shepherd. Oxfordetc., Clarendon Press

David Shepherd
University of Manchester


             GNET: an Archive and Electronic Journal

                  Toward a Truly Global Network

Computer-mediated communication networks are growing rapidly, yet
they are not truly global -- they are concentrated in affluent
parts of North America, Western Europe, and parts of Asia.

GNET is an archive/journal for documents pertaining to the effort
to bring the net to lesser-developed nations and the poorer parts
of developed nations.  (Net access is better in many "third
world" schools than in South-Central Los Angeles).  GNET consists
of two parts, an archive directory and a moderated discussion.

Archived documents are available by anonymous ftp from the
directory global_net at (  To
conserve bandwidth, the archive contains an abstract of each
document, as well as the full document.  (Those without ftp
access can contact me for instructions on mail-based retrieval).

In addition to the archive, there is a moderated GNET discussion
list.  The list is limited to discussion of the documents in the
archive.  It is hoped that document authors will follow this
discussion, and update their documents accordingly.  If this
happens, the archive will become a dynamic journal.  Monthly
mailings will list new papers added to the archive.

We wish broad participation, with papers from nuts-and-bolts to
visionary.  Suitable topics include, but are not restricted to:

   descriptions of networks and projects
   host and user hardware and software
   connection options and protocols
   current and proposed applications
   education using the global net
   user and system administrator training
   social, political or spriritual impact
   economic and environmental impact
   politics and funding
   free speech, security and privacy
   directories of people and resources

To submit a document to the archive or subscribe to the moderated
discussion list, use the address

Larry Press




                          JUNE 16-19, 1993

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

This conference -- the major forum for literary, linguistic and
humanities computing-- will highlight the development of new
computing methodologies for research and teaching in the
humanities, the development of significant new networked-based
and computer-based resources for humanities research, and the
application and evaluation of computing techniques in humanities

TOPICS: We welcome submissions on topics such as text encoding;
hypertext; text corpora; computational lexicography; statistical
models; syntactic, semantic and other forms of text analysis;
also computer applications in history, philosophy, music and
other humanities disciplines.

In addition, ACH and ALLC extend a special invitation to members
of the library community engaged in creating and cataloguing
network-based resources in the humanities, developing and
integrating databases of texts and images of works central to the
humanities, and refining retrieval techniques for humanities

The deadline for submissions is 1 NOVEMBER 1992.

REQUIREMENTS: Proposals should describe substantial and original
work. Those that concentrate on the development of new computing
methodologies should make clear how the methodologies are applied
to research and/or teaching in the humanities, and should include
some critical assessment of the application of those
methodologies in the humanities. Those that concentrate on a
particular application in the humanities (e.g., a study of the
style of an author) should cite traditional as well as
computer-based approaches to the problem and should include some
critical assessment of the computing methodologies used. All
proposals should include conclusions and references to important

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Abstracts of 1500-2000 words should be
submitted for presentations of thirty minutes including

SESSIONS: Proposals for sessions (90 minutes) are also invited.
These should take the form of either:

(a) Three papers. The session organizer should submit a 500-word
statement describing the session topic, include abstracts of
1000-1500 words for each paper, and indicate that each author is
willing to participate in the session; or

(b) A panel of up to 6 speakers. The panel organizer should
submit an abstract of 1500 words describing the panel topic, how
it will be organized, the names of all the speakers, and an
indication that each speaker is willing to participate in the


Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged.  Please pay
particular attention to the format given below.  Submissions
which do not conform to this format will be returned to the
authors for reformatting, or may not be considered if they arrive
very close to the deadline.

All submissions should begin with the following information:

TITLE: title of paper
AUTHOR(S): names of authors
AFFILIATION: of author(s)
CONTACT ADDRESS: full postal address
E-MAIL: electronic mail address of main author (for contact),
        followed by other authors (if any)
FAX NUMBER: of main author
PHONE NUMBER: of main author

(1) Electronic submissions

These should be plain ASCII text files, not files formatted by a
wordprocessor, and should not contain TAB characters or soft
hyphens. Paragraphs should be separated by blank lines. Headings
and subheadings should be on separate lines and be numbered.
Notes, if needed at all, should take the form of endnotes rather
than Choose a simple markup scheme for accents and other
characters that cannot be transmitted by electronic mail, and
include an explanation of the markup scheme after the title
information and before the start of the text.

Electronic submissions should be sent to
with the subject line " Submission for

(2) Paper submissions

Submissions should be typed or printed on one side of the paper
only, with ample margins. Six copies should be sent to

ACH-ALLC93 (Paper submission)
Dr. Michael Neuman
Academic Computer Center
238 Reiss Science Building
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057


Proposals for papers and sessions            November 1, 1992
Notification of acceptance                   February 1, 1993
Advance registration                         May 10, 1993

There will be a substantial increase in the registration fee for
registrations received after May 10, 1993.


A selection of papers presented at the conference will be
published in the series Research in Humanities Computing edited
by Susan Hockey and Nancy Ide and published by Oxford University


Proposals will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers who will make
recommendations to the Program Committee comprised of:

Chair: Marianne Gaunt, Rutgers, the State University (ACH)
       Thomas Corns, University of Wales, Bangor (ALLC)
       Paul Fortier, University of Manitoba (ACH)
       Jacqueline Hamesse, Universite Catholique Louvain-la-Neuve
       Susan Hockey, Rutgers and Princeton Universities (ALLC)
       Nancy Ide, Vassar College (ACH)
       Randall Jones, Brigham Young University (ACH)
       Antonio Zampolli, University of Pisa (ALLC)
Local organizer: Michael Neuman, Georgetown University (ACH)


Accommodations for conference participants are available at
several locations in the Georgetown area:
     Georgetown University's Leavey Conference Center
     The Georgetown Inn
     One Washington Circle Hotel
     Georgetown University's Village C Residence Hall


Georgetown, an historic residential district along the Potomac
River, is a six-mile ride by taxi from Washington National
Airport. International flights arrive at Dulles Airport, which
offers regular bus service to the Nation's Capital.


Please address all inquiries to:

Dr. Michael Neuman
Academic Computer Center
238 Reiss Science Building
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057

Phone: 202-687-6096
FAX:   202-687-6003
Bitnet:  Neuman@Guvax

Please give your name, full mailing address, telephone and fax
numbers, and e-mail address with any inquiry.



We are seeking original, article-length essays on vernacular art-
forms in a postcolonial/postmodern context, including music, oral
poetry, post-colonial writing/criticism, vernacular festivals or
other practices, vernacular architecture, film, video, or other
appropriations of space/language/technology.  Some examples might
be: hip-hop music, graffiti, raves, dance parties, blues, jazz,
reggae, postcolonial fiction & poetry, home videos, sampling,
pastiche, photo-collage, xerox art.  Essays on vernacular
languages are especially sought which frame the question of the
opposition (ality) of the vernacular, as a language of resistance
to hegemonic forces.

Contributors at present include Ronald Jemal Stephens on the
vocabulary of hip-hop, and an essay on the vernacular by the
Nigerian novelist Amos Tutuola.

Abstracts, proposals, and/or papers may be sent by e-mail to:

or via snail mail to:

Russell Potter
English Department
Colby College
Waterville Maine 04901.

The co-editor of this collection is Bennet Schaber ("Modernity
and the Vernacular") of Syracuse University.


_MFS:  Modern Fiction Studies_

Special Issues Announcement

The Fall '92 issue of MFS will be a special issue on the
"Politics of Modernism."

The Spring '93 issue will be a special issue on "Fiction of the
Indian Sub-Continent"; submissions are invited (see below for
address): Deadline:  November 1, 1992

The Fall '93 issue will be a special issue on the fiction of Toni
Morrison; submissions are invited (see below for address):
Deadline:   April 1, 1992

The Spring '94 issue will be a special issue, edited by Barbara
Harlow, on "The Politics of Cultural Displacement."  The issue
will include essays that address issues of displacement across
various narrative genres, including fiction, film, historical
account, legal documentation, and reportage.  The guest editor
will be particularly interested in seeing essays that address
these issues in light of the cultural politics of deportation,
emigration/immigration, population transfer, political asylum,
extradition, "illegal aliens," and migrant labor.  This special
issue of MFS proposes to examine the pressures on the received
generic formulas of narrative convention and literary paradigm by
these global demographic rearrangements.  Deadline:  November 1,

All submissions to MFS, both for special issues and general
issues, should be sent in duplicate to:

The Editors
MFS:  Modern Fiction Studies
Department of English
1389 Heavilon Hall
Purdue University
West Lafayette IN 47907-1389.


_Vietnam Generation_

Invites submissions for the special issue _American Indians and
the Vietnam War_  Original poetry, prose, critical works dealing
with American Indian experiences in and during the Vietnam War,
and critical articles on the characterization of American
Indians in Vietnam War fiction are encouraged for consideration.

Submit proposals, abstracts, poems and prose to:

David Erben
CPR 326
English Dept
Univ of South Florida
Tampa, Fl 33620.


     CALL FOR PAPERS: "Composition as Explanation"
    The 1993 American Studies Association annual conference
(Boston, Massachusetts / November 4-7, 1993) is on "Cultural
Transformations / Countering Traditions." I want to propose a
panel composed of papers discussing and enacting the intersection
of the academic essay and the poem.  Papers that attempt to
escape the constraints of genre that form the academic essay will
be given special priority, but work that discusses the mutant
products of this intersection (such as Gertrude Stein's
"Composition as Explanation") or approaches poetics from a
cultural studies perspective is also welcome.
    Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words by December
15, 1992 to Juliana Spahr / State University of New York at
Buffalo / 302 Clemens Hall / Buffalo, New York 14260.



The international society for the philosophy of tools and space.

   We are an interdisciplinary and "multinational" organization,
small but growing, dedicated to thoughtful discussion about and
research into issues concerning tools and space.  Currently, we
maintain a membership list and circulate a short newsletter.  But
our future plans call for expansion - a number of conferences and
a journal are possible in the next few years. Within the scope of
our society, members have raised diverse and fascinating issues
for consideration, including but not limited to the following:

* The role of equipment in Heidegger: the tool and truth in _Sein
  und Zeit_
* Bergson; Levinas and the concept of hypostasis
* Baudrillard & Virilio: speed, the simulacrum and "crystal     
* Marx: from use- to exchange-value; the deterritorializing     
  adventure of capital and surplus-value
* Deleuze/Guattari: desiring machines, paranoid machines,       
  miraculating machines, celibate machines
* The mechanics of the dreamwork in psycho-analysis
* Poetics of space a la Bachelard
* Figural and rhetorical aspects of the tool in literature; the 
  delirious machines of Poe and Kafka
* bolo'bolo and other political theories of reterritorialization
* Architectural theory and practice
* Media theory
* Virtual reality: the emergence of simulacra in social space
* Transit technology and urban planning
* Infrastructure catastrophes: the Chicago freight tunnel flood
* The iconology of computers, especially the Macintosh
* A philosophy of toys
* The tool/toy of language and its (dys)function: the Zen koan, 
  the joke

Membership is free.  Just send your name and address to be placed
on our list.

                    c/o Graham Harman, secretary
                 Philosophy Dept., DePaul University
                       Chicago IL, USA 60614


     SUNY Stonybrook Conference on Reproductive Technologies

The Humanities Institute Sponsored Conference on Reproductive
Technologies: Narratives, Gender, Society, is unique in bringing
together IVF and other clinicians, lawyers, bio-ethicists,
historians, humanists, and people using the technologies to share
their research and varying perspectives. The conference will be
focussed, in Part I, on four case histories having to do
with gamete donation, sex-selection, surrogacy, and genetic
counselling. Part II deals with broader issues regarding
reproductive technologies, such as "body politics," adoption, and
nursing narratives.

Keynotes Speakers are: Dr. Rayna Rapp, New School for Social
Research, New York; and Barbara Katz Rothman, Baruch College, New
York. Respondents to the second speaker are: Dr. Mary Martin,
M.D. and Betsy P. Aigen, Founder and Director of The Surrogacy
Mother Program of New York. Other speakers include Isabel Marcus,
Law School, SUNY At Buffalo; Lisa Glick Zucker, Attorney, ACLU,
Newark, N.J.; Martha Calhoun, New York State Department of Law;
Ruth Cowan, Ph.D., History Dept. SUNY At Stony Brook; Susan
Squier, English Dept, SUNY At Stony Brook; John Wiltshire and Kay
Torney, La Trobe University, Australia; E. Ann Kaplan, Director,
The Humanities Institute, SUNY Stony Brook; Ella Shohat, CUNY,
Staten Island; Jennifer Terry, Resident Fellow at The Humanities
Institute, and Assistant Professor at Ohio State University;
Helen Cooper, Acting Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs, SUNY at
Stony Brook.

The Conference will take place on Friday and Saturday November 6
& 7, from 9.0 a.m. on each day. For more information and
registration forms, call E. Ann Kaplan, at 516-632-7765; or
respond on email to


1992 Modern Languages Association Convention

Special Session #119

Tuesday, December 29, 1992, 12:00 noon

"Hypertext, Hypermedia: Defining a Fictional Form"

Terence Harpold      University of Pennsylvania (chair)
Michael Joyce        Jackson Community College
Carolyn Guyer        Leonardo
Judy Malloy          Manistee, MI
Stuart Moulthrop     Georgia Institute of Technology

Until recently, critical discussion of hypertext has tended to
focus on problems of implementation, psychology and
epistemology--the issues raised by hypertext as a kind of
writing, independent of its subject matter. Little attention has
been paid to the distinct characteristics of hypertext as a
_fictional_ form. This session will be devoted to a discussion of
hypertext fiction (and, more generally, electronic fiction) as an
emerging mode of discourse in the late age of print.

The panel includes individuals from both academia and the growing
community of artists working in electronic text and multimedia.
In addition to the sizable body of  theory and criticism they
represent, each of the panelists is well-known for his or her
electronic fiction. We expect an lively dialogue between the
panelists (and with the audience), reflecting the variety of
strategies at play in hypertext theory and practice.

The papers

Michael Joyce's paper, "Hypertextual Rhythms (The Momentary
Advantage of Our Awkwardness)," will address the historical
moment of recent hypertext fiction.
He will argue that the common perception that hypertext is an
awkward and opaque mode of discourse actually makes it easier for
us to grasp its historical significance. Before the novelty of
the electronic medium fades, and electronic text assumes the
transparency that "conventional" text now has, we can understand
it as a discrete representational form.

Judy Malloy's paper, "Between the Narrator and the Narrative (The
Disorder of Memory)," will draw on several of her "narrabases"
("narrative databases") to discuss problems of narrative "truth"
in radically non-sequential electronic texts. The randomness and
interactivity of hypertext fiction make it possible to vary the
reader's experience with each reading. The essential disorder of
the fictional worlds that emerge mimics, she contends, the
disordered yet linked structure of human memory.

Carolyn Guyer's paper, "Buzz-Daze Jazz and the Quotidian Stream
(Attempts to Filet a Paradox)," explores the structure of
narrative temporality in hypertext fiction. She will argue that
hypertextual narratives are "complex mixtures"
(Deleuze and Guattari), in which figure and ground are shifted
arhythmically, in a chaotic or fractal way. The result is an
oscillating transformation of the linear temporality of
traditional fictional forms.

Stuart Moulthrop's paper, "Hypertext as War Machine," situates
hypertext fiction as an inherently politicized byproduct of the
late capitalist event-state of spectacle, simulation, and
multinational aggression. Focusing on John McDaid's "Uncle
Buddy's Phantom Funhouse" and his own "Victory Garden," he asks
whether the deformations of print narrative in these fictions
provide an alternative to the semiotics of the spectacle, or
represent (in Hakim Bey's term) merely "festal" digressions from
the discourse of disembodied power.

For more information, contact:

Terence Harpold
420 Williams Hall
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104



Annual meeting to be held October 8-10 at the Boston Park Plaza
Hotel and Towers.


The Committee on Computing as a Cultural Process of the American
Anthropological Association

Will hold a workshop on issues in computing as a field of
cultural research beginning on the afternoon of Tuesday, December
1, 1992 in San Francisco.  The workshop, participation in which
is limited to thirty people, is scheduled to coincide with the
opening of the annual meeting of the AAA.

For further information, contact David Hakken, Committee Chair,

Technology Policy Center
SUNY Institute of Technology
PO Box 3050
Utica, NY 13504


_Rethinking Marxism_: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and

Is sponsoring an international conference titled "Marxism in the
New World Order: Crises and Possibilities" 12-14 November 1992 at
the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

For information and preregistration materials, call:


or write:

AESA/RM "New World Order" Conference
P.O. Box 715,
Amherst, MA 01004-0715.

The conference will include 3 major plenaries, over 100 sessions
and workshops, an art exhibition, an art installation, and a
cabaret opera.

Participants include Etienne Balibar, Nancy Fraser, Sandra
Harding, Nancy C. M. Hartsock, Ernest Mandel, Manning Marable,
Vicente Navarro, Sheila Rowbotham, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick,
Immanuel Wallerstein, and Cornel West.

Events include "This Is My Body: This Is My Blood" (art
exhibition and panel discussion curate and organized by Susan
Jahoda and May Stevens), "E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma
Goldman" (cabaret opera by Leonard Lehrman), "Dream Worlds: The
Video (Sut Jhally), "Standpoint Theories and Postmodernism's
Challenges and Affinities (Sandra Harding, Nancy Hartsock, Kathy
Weeks), "Queerness, Race, Class" (Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Cindy
Patton, Johnathan Goldberg, Michael Moon), "Postmodernism, Late
Capitalism, and Marxian Political Economy" (Jack Amariglio, Julie
Graham, Arjo Klamer, Bruce Norton, David Ruccio), and "Towards a
Socialist Politics of Desire" (Tim Brennan, Jane Jordan, Amitava
Kumar, Pratibha Parmar).


31st annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and
Existential Philosophy

Registration information is available at the conference
(pre-registration is not necessary), but registration material is
also available from:

Lenore Langsdorf
Dept. of Speech Communication
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901

or phone: (618) 453-2291.

The program is quite large, and the speakers will include Jacques
Derrida, David Krell, Judith Butler, Axel Honneth, Linda
Nicholson, Gerald Bruns, Herman Rapaport.

Some session titles that may interest your members:  "Critical
Theory in the Age of Cynicism," "Foucault, Power and the Critique
of Hermeneutics," "Respondings: 'Il y a la cendre,'"
"Constructing and Deconstructing Identity," "Postmodern Returns
to Hegel," "Resistance to Lyotard,"...

There are about 60 sessions with about 250 people on the program,
and about 1000 in attendance.



               First Advance Notice May 1992

The University of Manitoba has received funding commitments to
organize and hold an international conference to promote the
establishment of a consortium of universities and learned
societies to sponsor computer network publication of refereed
journals. The consortium would be a non-profit publishing
cooperative intended to make use of the Internet as an important
medium for the publication of scholarly research in any
discipline. Since the summer of 1991, an ad hoc group at the
University of Manitoba has been developing the idea of the
conference and the proposed consortium, and has been working on
funding proposals since the Autumn of 1991. The conference is now
tentatively slated for the Autumn of 1993 and will be held at the
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. We hope to enlist the
interest and cooperation of major research universities and
learned societies across North America and elsewhere. Over the
next year or so, we will be communicating the vision behind the
conference and consortium to the academic community.

This is the first advance notice, and we plan to provide updates
with more specific information on the conference details as plans
for it develop.

As an analogy of sorts for the proposed consortium, in the
traditional publishing of books and paper journals, Scholars
Press (Atlanta, Georgia) is a unique example of such a
cooperative, operating under several major U.S. learned societies
(e.g., American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical
Literature, American Philological Society), with a number of
universities in the U.S. and Canada as sponsors of particular
publication projects such as major monograph series. It is an
example of groups in the academic community taking collective
responsibility to see that worthy scholarship gets published,
without commercial considerations determining the question. The
Internet is the major new medium for dissemination of research,
and it is vital that the scholarly community, through its major
institutions of universities and learned societies, become
acquainted with the enormous potential of the Internet for
scholarship. Commercial companies are already devoting attention
to developing computer network publication projects. It is
imperative that the scholarly community not leave this major
medium to be developed solely by commercial interests.

The basic aims are:

(1) To make academic merit the sole consideration in the        
    publication of journal-type research.
(2) To advance the idea that the academic community should have a
    hand in determining what gets published and how it is       
(3) To provide a major outlet of research publication that is not
    subject to the severe economic constraints of traditional   
    paper-journal publishing (soaring costs in some commercially
    attractive fields, very limited journal outlets for less    
    commercially attractive fields).
(4) To make collective and considered use of the scholarly      
    advantages of network publication (e.g., savings in         
    production costs, speed up in publication and dissemination 
(5) To provide an effective and low-cost means for universities 
    and learned societies to play a greater role as disseminators
    of research information and not only as producers and
    consumers of research information.

Our initial objective at this point is to inform as many in the
scholarly community as possible of the conference and the
consortium proposal, and to solicit interest in these plans.

Please contact us for more information, and to be kept informed
on the progress in our planning. We also sincerely invite you to
offer your ideas on things to be included in the conference, key
people to inform and possibly invite to the conference, and any
other matters relevant to the conference and consortium proposal.

For more information, and to express your interests in the
conference and consortium, contact the:

Convener of the University of Manitoba ad hoc Committee on
Electronic Journals
Professor Larry W. Hurtado
Institute for the Humanities
108 Isbister Bldg.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T2N2

Phone: (204) 474-9114. FAX (204) 275-5781.


8th Annual Conference on the Scientific Study of Subjectivity

October 22-24, 1992, at the University of Missouri will feature:

Ana Garner (Marquette University)
"The Disaster News Story: The Reader, the Content and Social
Construction of Meaning"

Paul Grosswiler (University of Maine-Orono)
"The Convergence of William Stephenson's and Marshall McLuhan's
Communication Theories"

Patrick O'Brien (University of Iowa)
"'They Meant This...And We Meant That': Discerning Opinion
Structures through Q Methodology and News Frame Analysis"

Donald F. Theall (Trent University)
"James Joyce and William Stephenson Among the Communicators"

Dan Thomas (Wartburg College)
"Deconstructing the Political Spectacle: Sex, Race, and
Subjectivity in Public Response to the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill
'Sexual Harrassment' Hearings"

There will also be a special panel on quantum theory and Q
methodology, plus additional papers on a variety of other topics.
The meeting is co-sponsored by the International Society for the
Scientific Study of Subjectivity and the Stephenson Research
Center of the School of Journalism, University of

For further details, contact the program chair:

Irvin Goldman (Goldman@UCC.UWindsor.Ca),
Department of Communication Studies, University of Windsor.


                        September / October / November.


                    September 26th - October 4th

The yearly festival of the V2 Organization is this year focussed
to the question:

"How can architecture and the visual arts cope with new
conceptions of time and space as performed and experienced in
electronic space and with its cultural implications?"

In a symposium the different attitudes in the deconstructivist
discourse in architecture (like the formulated by Peter Eisenman
on one side and Hejduk & Libeskind on the other) will be
discussed parallel to art theories as for example presented by
Peter Weibel.

Among those who participate are: Jeffrey Shaw (NL), Peter Weibel
(A), Arthur & Mariliouse Kroker (Can), Kristina Kubisch (BRD) and
many others whose participation still has to be confirmed.


                             DICK RAAIJMAKERS

                        October 16th, 17th, 18th.

Lectures/demonstrations and concert by Dick Raaijmakers (1930).
Dick Raaijmakers is at composer/scientist/theatremaker who
teaches at the Centre of Sonology at the conservatory in Den Haag
(NL). He worked for Philips and did research in electro-acoustic
phenomena and was thus closely related to the physics lab in the
fifties.  His work (theories and artworks) is a consequent study
on basic phenomena in music/art.

In his reflections on music/art he also integrates the use of
technology as well as the fundamental distinction that remains
between technology and art.  His concert will be the systematic
dissection of twelve microphones in a laboratory setup (title:
Dodici manieri di far tacere un microfono).  For the presentation
of his work there will be other artists involved like for example
Clarance Barlow.

                          ROY ASCOTT: "TELENOIA"

                12.00H October 31st until 12.00H November 1st.

"You've experienced on telepresence, now get ready for it"

Roy Ascott (1934) will activate a global network on October 31st
at 12.00H till November 1st 12.00H.  The network will be active
for 24 hours with Fax, E-Mail a.s.  There will be T-shirts
available for the 'day of telenoia schizophrenia'.  Roy Ascott
will also take about his work on October 30th.

The presentations of Roy Ascott and Dick Raaijmakers are 3
presentations of artists who profiled themselves in the past and
present with remarkable and important theories in art and
technology.  A publication in which texts of Roy Ascott, Gustav
Metzger and Dick Raaijmakers will be printed and which will
support the different projects.

                            V2 ORGANIZATION
                        5211 PT 's-Hertogenbosch,

                           Tel  31 73 137958
                           Fax  31 73 122238



The December 1992 Virtual Reality conference focuses on current
applications.  The presentations highlight applications in
industry, commerce, defense, and aerospace.   The conference
addresses managers and researchers who are involved or wish to
become involved in the development of VR systems.  Besides 16
distinguished speakers, the conference also features
exhibitors demonstrating available VR products.

The conference is sponsored by the Education Foundation of the
Data Processing Management Association (DPMA) and CyberEdge
Journal.  Technology Training Corporation manages the conference
site and the registration.

               Washington D.C., December 1-2, 1992
        Ramada Hotel at Tyson's Corner -- Falls Church, VA

Dr. Myron Krueger, President, Artificial Reality Corporation

Dr. David Gelernter, Computer Science, Yale University

Dr. Bob C. Liang, Manager of Advanced Multimedia, IBM Research

Suzanne Weghorst, Human Interface Technology Lab, U of

Joel Orr, Autodesk Fellow, Autodesk, Inc.

George Zachary, Technical Marketing/Sales, VPL Research

Dr. Michael Zyda, Computer Science, Naval Postgraduate School

Mark Long, David Sarnoff Laboratory, Princeton

Dr. Peter Tinker, Rockwell Science Center

Dr. John Latta, President, 4th Wave

Tom Barrett, Research & Development, Electronic Data Systems

Jacquelyn Morie, Institute for Simulation and Training, UCF

Dr. Chris Esposito, Boeing Aircraft, Seattle

Douglas MacLeod, VR Project Director, Banff Centre for the Arts

Major Irwin Simon, M.D., Telepresence, Ft. Ord

David Smith, President, Virtus Corporation


The conference chair is cyberspace philosopher, Dr. Michael Heim

Registration fee is $795 per registrant.  For DPMA members
(individual members only--not corporate) or for CyberEdge
Journal subscribers, the fee is $760.  For teams of 3 or more,
the fee is $695.  For U.S. Government or university personnel,
registration is $645.

To register, call 310-534-3922 and ask for Mr. Dana Marcus.
To receive a flyer with more information, write Mr. Tom Huchel,
Technology Training Corporation, 3420 Kashiwa Street, Torrance,
CA 90510-3608 or call 310-534-4871.



   A new electronic discussion group has been formed for those
interested in semiotics, visual language, graphic design and
advertising, deconstruction, the philosophy of language, and
others curious about the process of communication. The core issue
that ties all of these disciplines together is the production and
the interpretation of signs.

To become a part of _SEMIOS-L_, send the following command from
your computer:

From a Bitnet location:

From an Internet site:
To: Subscribe SEMIOS-L (Your Name)

In the first two weeks of operation, _SEMIOS-L_ already had over
one hundred
members from four continents. The group welcomes new voices.

Steven Skaggs
SEMIOS-L List Manager


New Social History List or LISTSERV@VM.USC.EDU

Briefly, this list will address three aspects of what is called
the "New Social History":

(1) emphasis on quantitative data rather than an analysis of    
    prose sources.
(2) borrowing of methodologies from the social sciences, such as
    linguistics, demographics, anthropology, etc.
(3) the examination of groups which have been ignored by        
    traditional disciplines (i.e.  the history of women,        
    families, children, labor, etc.)

To subscribe, send e-mail to

with the single line in the BODY of the e-mail:
SUBSCRIBE SOCHIST your full name



Welcome to the INTERDIS e-mail discussion list. The idea behind
this list is to facilitate national (and international)
discussions of issues of interest to people working and teaching
in interdisciplinary contexts. It is my hope that the list will
be a source of lively, thought provoking discussion of issues
relating to integrating perspectives and pedagogical issues
associated with interdisciplinary work. It should also be a good
place to discuss papers, books, films, and exercises from
interdisciplinary perspectives. Please forward this message to
colleagues you think may be interested in the list. They can
put themselves on the list automatically by sending e-mail to:

The message should read SUB INTERDIS 

To post comments to the list, e-mail

Feel free to begin posting comments today. I look forward to our
continuing dialogue.


The Department of English at Carnegie Mellon University invites
applications for a position (or positions) as Assistant or
Associate Professor of Literary and Cultural Studies, beginning
Fall 1993.

Expertise in literary and cultural theory is required since
successful applicants will teach a total of 2 courses per
semester in a theory-based undergraduate program in Literary and
Cultural Studies, and/or in the graduate program in Literary and
Cultural Theory. The committee will give particular attention to
candidates specializing in any aspect or field of history,
culture and literature between 1500 and 1900, and we also have
needs in film and media.  Women and minority candidates
especially welcomed.

Send letter, c.v. and names of three referees to:

Alan Kennedy
Head, Dept of English
Carnegie Mellon
Pittsburgh PA 15213.


          Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History
                    Special Collections Library
                        Duke University


Three or more grants of up to $1000 are available to:

(1) Graduate students in any academic field who wish to use
    the resources of the Center for research toward M.A. or
    Ph.D degrees.
(2) Faculty working on research projects.

Funds may be used to help defray costs of travel to Durham and
local accommodations.

The major collections available at the Center at the current time
is the extensive Archives of the J. Walter Thompson Company
(JWT), the oldest advertising agency in the U.S. and a major
international agency since the 1920s.  Later in the year the
advertisements and a moderate amount of agency documentation from
D'Arcy, Masius, Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) also will become
available for research.  The Center holds several other smaller
collections relating to 19th and 20th century advertising and

REQUIREMENTS:  Awards may be used between December 15, 1992
               and September 1, 1993.  Graduate student         
               applicants (1) must be currently enrolled in a   
               postgraduate program in any academic department  
               and (2) must enclose a letter of recommendation  
               from the student's advisor or project director.

Please address questions and requests for application forms to:

Ms. Ellen Gartrell
Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History
Special Collections Library
Duke University
Box 90185
Durham NC  27708-0185

phone:  919-681-8714   fax:  919-684-2855

e-mail contact:  Ms. Marion Hirsch

DEADLINES:  Applications 1992-93 awards must be received
            or postmarked by November 1, 1992.  Awards will be
            announced by December 1.