Anouncements & Advertisements

Every issue of Postmodern Culture will carry notices of events, calls for papers, and other announcments, up to 250 words, free of charge. Advertisements will also be published on an exchange basis. Send anouncements and advertisements to:

     Journal and Book Announcements:

  1) _A Postmodern Reader_
  2) _Black Ice Books_
  3) _Black Sacred Music_
  4) _boundary 2_
  5) _The Centennial Review_
  6) _College Literature_
  7) _Contention_
  8) _Differences_
  9) _Discourse_
 10) _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_
 11) _Future Culture_
 12) _GENDERS_
 13) _its name was Penelope_
 14) _Minnesota Review_
 15) _Nomad_
 16) _No More Nice Girls_
 17) _Nous Refuse_
 18) _October_
 19) _Representations_
 20) _RIF/T_
 21) _South Atlantic Quarterly_
 22) _SSCORE_
 23) _Studies in Popular Culture_
 24) _VIRUS 23_
 25) _Zines-L_

     Calls for Papers and Participants:

 26)  PMC-MOO
 27)  Cyborg Conference Call
 28)  Call for Papers on Don DeLillo
 29) _Hypertext Fiction and the Literary Artist_
 30) _Minnesota Review_
 31) _Phage_
 32) SUNY Press book series on postmodern culture
 33) _PSYCHE:  an interdisciplinary journal of research on
 34) _Verse_
 35) Feminist Theory and Technoculture
 36) Telematic Art Installation on Serbian Border

     Conferences and Societies:

 37) _International Conference on Refereed Electronic Journals_

     Networked Discussion Groups:

 39) _FEMISA:  Feminism, Gender, International Relations_
 40) _HOLOCAUS:  Holocaust List_
 41) _Utne Reader Internet Email Salons_

1) -------------------------------------------------------------


edited by Joseph Natoli and Linda Hutcheon

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Reading a Postmodern Reader

I. Modern/Postmodern
* Zygmunt Bauman              "Postmodernity, or Living with

* Hans Bertens                "The Postmodern Weltanschauung
                              and its Relation to Modernism:
                              An Introductory Survey."

* Jean-Francois Lyotard       from _The Postmodern Condition:
                              A Report on Knowledge_

* Jurgen Habermas             "Modernity versus Postmodernity."

* Andreas Huyssen             "Mapping the Postmodern."

* David Herman                "Modernism versus Postmodernism:
                              Towards an Analytic Distinction."

II. Representing the Postmodern

* John McGowan                from, _Postmodernism and its

* Jacques Derrida             "Structure, Sign, and Play in the
                              Discourses of the Human Sciences."

* Linda Hutcheon              "Beginning to Theorize

* Ihab Hassan                 "Toward a Concept of

* Charles Russel              "The Context of the Concept."

III. Entanglements and Complicities

* Fredric Jameson             from, _Postmodernism, Or the
                              Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism_

* Michel Foucault             from, _The History of Sexuality:
                              Volume I:  An Introduction_

* Jean Baudrillard            "The Precession of Simulacra."

* Thomas Kuhn                 "The Resolution of Revolutions."

* Cornel West                 "Black Culture and Postmodernism."

* Barbara Creed               "From Here to Modernity:  Feminism
                              and Postmodernism."

* Jane Flax                   from, _Thinking Fragments_

* Stephen Slemon              "Modernism's Last Post."

IV. Postmodern Practices

* Henry Giroux                "Postmodernism as Border Pedagogy:
                              Redefining the Boundaries of Race
                              and Ethnicity."

* Agnes Heller                "Existentialism, Alienation,
                              Postmodernism: Cultural Movements
                              as Vehicles of Change in the
                              Patterns of Everyday Life."

* bell hooks                  "Postmodern Blackness."

* Paul Maltby                 from, _Dissident Postmodernists_

* Houston Baker Jr.           "Hybridity, the Rap Race, and
                              Pedagogy for the 1990's."

* Catherine Belsey            "Towards Cultural History."

State University of New York Press
(518) 472-5000

2) --------------------------------------------------------------

                        _BLACK ICE BOOKS_

_Black Ice Books_ is a new alternative trade paperback series
that will introduce readers to the latest wave of dissident
American writers.  Breaking out of the bonds of mainstream
writing, the voices published here are subversive, challenging
and provocative.  The first four books include:

_Avant-Pop:  Fiction for a Daydream Nation_

Edited by Larry McCaffery, this book is an assemblage of
innovative fiction, comic book art, unique graphics and various
other unclassifiable texts by writers like Samuel Delany, Mark
Leyner, William Vollmann, Kathy Acker, Eurdice, Stephen Wright,
Derek Pell, Harold Jaffe, Tim Ferret, Ricardo Cortez Cruz and
many others.

_New Noir_
Stories by John Shirley

John Shirley bases his stories on his personal experience of
extreme people and extreme mental states, and on his struggle
with the seduction of drugs, crime, prostitution and violence.

_The Kafka Chronicles_
a novel by Mark Amerika

The _Kafka Chronicles_ is an adventure into the psyche of an
ultracontemporary twentysomething guerilla artist who is lost in
an underworld of drugs and mental terrorism, where he encounters
an unusual cast of angry yet sensual characters

_Revelation Countdown_
by Cris Mazza

Stories that project onto the open road not the nirvana of
personal freedom but rather a type of freedom more resembling
loss of control.

Discount Mail-Order Information:

You can buy these books directly from the publisher at a
discount.  Buy one for $7, two for $13, three for $19 or all four
for $25.  We pay US postage!  (Foreign orders add $2.50 per
book).  Please make all checks or money orders payable to:

Fiction Collective Two
Publications Unit
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61761

3) --------------------------------------------------------------

_Black Sacred Music_
A Journal of Theomusicology

Jan Michael Specer, editor
7:2 (Fall 1993)

Presenting the proceedings of an important conference held in
Blantyre, Malawi in November of 1992, this volume represents a
significant step for the African Christian church toward
incorporating indigenous African arts and culture into its
liturgy.  Recognizing that the African Christian church continues
to define itself in distinctly Western terms, forty-nine
participants from various denominations and all parts of Africa--
Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius,
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Cameroon--and the United States
met to share ideas and experiences and to establish strategies
for the indigenization of Christianity in African churches.

Other special issues available by single copy:

The William Grant Still Reader
presents the collected writings of this respected American
composer.  Still offered a perspective on American music and
society informed by a diversity of experience and associations
that few others have enjoyed.  His distinguished career spanned
jazz, traditional African-American idioms, and the European
avant-garde, and his compositions ranged from chamber music to

Sacred Music of the Secular City
delves into the American religious imagination by examining the
religious roots and historical circumstances of popular music.
Includes essays on musicians Robert Johnson, Duke Ellington,
Marvin Gaye, Madonna, and 2 Live Crew.

Subscription prices:  $30 institutions, $15 individuals.  Single
issues:  $15.  Please add $4 for subscription outside the U.S.
Canadian residents, add 7% GST.

Duke University Press/Box 90660/Durham NC  27708

4) --------------------------------------------------------------

_boundary 2_
an international journal of literature and culture

Paul Bove, editor

Forthcoming in 1993:

The Violence of Light in the Land of Desire; or, How William
Jones Discovered India / Jenny Sharpe

Veiled Woman and Veiled Narrative in Tahar Ben Jelloun's _The
Sandchild_ / John D. Erickson

The Ideologies and Semiotics of Fascism:  Analyzing Pound's
_Cantos 12-15_ / Stephen Hartnett

Lionel Trilling, _The Liberal Imagination_, and the Emergence of
the Cultural Discourse of Anti-Stalinism / Russell J. Reising

Divine Politics:  Virginia Woolf's Journey toward Eleusis in _To
the Lighthouse_ / Tina Barr

_Saxa loquuntur_:  Freud's Arcaeology of the Text / Sabine Hake

Deleuze's Nietzsche / Petra Perry

A Tyranny of Justice:  The Ethics of Lyotard's Differend / Allen

Thinking\Writing the Postmodern:  Representation, End, Ground,
Sending / Jeffrey T. Nealon

Three issues annually
Subscription prices:  $48 institutions, $24 individuals, $16
single issues.  Please add $6 for postage outside the U.S.

Duke University Press/ Box 90660 /Durham NC  27708

5) --------------------------------------------------------------

_The Centennial Review_

Edited by R.K. Meiners

_The Centennial Review_ is committed to reflection on
intellectual work, particularly as set in the University and its
environment.  We are interested in work that examines models of
theory and communication in the physical, biological, and human
sciences; that re-reads major texts and authoritative documents
in different disciplines or explores interpretive procedures;
that questions the cultural and social implications of research
in a variety of disciplines.


Winter 1993

Guest Editor:  Stephen Esquith
Essays on events and ideas in recent Polish history, culture, and

Adam Michnik:
_An Interview with Leszek Kolakowski_

Marek Ziolkowski:
_The Case of the Polish Intelligentsia_

Marian Kempny:
_On the Relevance of Social Anthropology

to the Study of Post-Communist Culture_

Plus:  Lagowski, Narojek, Szszkowska, Buchowski, and others.

Please begin my _CR_ subscription:

___ $12/year (3 issues)

___ $18/two years (6 issues)

(Add $4.50 per year for mailing outside the US)

Please send me the special issue:

___ Poland: From Real Socialism to Democracy

Please make your check payable to _The Centennial Review_.  Mail

_The Centennial Review_
312 Linton Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI  48824-1044

6) --------------------------------------------------------------

_College Literature_
A Triannual Literary Journal for the Classroom

Edited by Kostas Myrsiades

"_College Literature_ has made itself in a short time one of the
leading journals in the field, important reading for anyone
teaching literature to college students."
     J. Hillis Miller
     University of CA, Irvine

"Congratulations on some extremely important work; you certainly
seem attuned to what is both valuable and relevant."
     Terry Eagleton
     Oxford University

"In one bold stroke you seem to have turned _College Literature_
into one of the things everyone will want to read."
     Cary Nelson

"My sense is that _College Literature_ will have substantial
influence in the field of literacy and cultural studies."
     Henry A. Giroux

"A journal one must consult to keep tabs on cultural theory and
contemporary discourse, particularly in relation to pedagogy."
     Robert Con Davis

Forthcoming issues:

     Cultural Studies:  Theory, Praxis, Pedagogy
     Teaching Postcolonial Literatures
     Europe and America:  The Legacy of Discovery
     Third World Women

     African American Writing

Subscription Rates:      US                  Foreign
         Individual      $24.00/year         $29.00/year
         Institutional:  $48.00/year         $53.00/year

Send prepaid orders to:

_College Literature_
Main 544
West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383

7) --------------------------------------------------------------

Debates in Society, Culture, and Science

_Contention_ is:

"...simply a triumph from cover to cover."
                                   Fredrick Crews

"...extremely important."
                                   Alberta Arthurs

"...the most exciting new journal
    that I have ever read."
                                   Lynn Hunt

                                   Janet Abu-Lughod

" important, exciting, and
    very timely project."
                                   Theda Skocpol

" idea whose time has come."
                                   Robert Brenner

"...serious and accessible."
                                   Louise Tilly

Subscriptions (3 issues) are available to individuals at $25.00
and to institutions at $50.00 (plus $10.00 for foreign surface
postage) from:

Journals Division
Indiana University Press
601 N. Morton
Bloomington IN  47104
 ph: (812) 855-9449
fax: (812) 855-7931

8) --------------------------------------------------------------

A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies

(Volume 3, Number 2)
Edited by Teresa de Lauretis

Teresa de Lauretis: _Queer Theory:  Lesbian and Gay Sexualities
                     An Introduction_
Sue Ellen Case:     _Tracking the Vampire_
Samuel R. Delany:   _Street Talk/Straight Talk_
Elizabeth A. Grosz: _Lesbian Fetishism?_
Jeniffer Terry:     _Theorizing Deviant Historiography_
Thomas Almaguer:    _Chicano Men:  A Cartography of Homosexual
                     Identity and Behavior_
Ekua Omosupe:       _Black/Lesbian/Bulldagger_
Earl Jackson, Jr.:  _Scandalous Subjects:  Robert Gluck's
                     Embodied Narratives_
Julia Creet:        _Daughter of the Movement:  The
                     Psychodynamics of Lesbian S/M Fantasy_

(Volume 4, Number 1)
Edited by Naomi Schor and Elizabeth Weed

Maria Torok:        _The Meaning of "Penis Envy" in Women (1963)_
Jean-Joseph Goux:   _The Phallus:  Masculine Identity and the
                     "Exchange of Women"_
Parveen Adams:      _Waiving the Phallus_
Kaja Silverman:     _The Lacanian Phallus_
Charles Bernheimer: _Penile Reference in Phallic Theory_
Judith Butler:      _The Lesbian Phallus and the Morphological
Jonathan Goldberg:  _Recalling Totalities:  The Mirrored Stages
                     of Arnold Schwarzenegger_

Emily Apter:        _Female Trouble in the Colonial Harem_

Single Issues:  $12.95 individuals
                $25.00 institutions
                ($1.75 each postage)

Subscriptions (3 issues):  $28.00 individuals
                           $48.00 institutions
                           ($10.00 foreign surface postage)

Send orders to:

Journals Division
Indiana University Press
601 N Morton
Bloomington IN  47404
 ph: (812) 855-9449
fax: (812) 855-7931

9) --------------------------------------------------------------


Volume 15, Number 1



Kathryn Baker:  _Delinquent Desire:  Race, Sex, and Ritual in
                Reform Schools for Girls_

Terralee Bensinger:  _Lesbian Pornography:  The Re-Making of (a)

Scott Bravmann:  _Investigating Queer Fictions of the Past:
                 Identities, Differences, and Lesbian and Gay
                 Historical Self-Representations_

Sarah Chinn and Kris Franklin:  _"I am What I Am" (Or Am I?):
                                The Making and Unmaking of
                                Lesbian and Gay Identity in _High
                                Tech Boys_ _

Greg Mullins:  _Nudes, Prudes, and Pigmies: The Desirability of
               Disavowal in _Physical Culture Magazine_ _

JoAnn Pavletich:  _Muscling the Mainstream:  Lesbian Murder
                  Mysteries and Fantasies of Justice_

David Pendelton:  _Obscene Allegories:  Narrative Structures in
                  Gay Male Porn_

Thomas Piontek:  _Applied Metaphors:  AIDS and Literature_

June L. Reich:  _The Traffic in Dildoes:  The Phallus as Camp and
                the Revenge of the Genderfuck_

Single Issues:  $12.95 individuals
                $25.00 institutions
                ($1.75 each postage)

Subscriptions (3 issues):  $25.00 individuals
                           $50.00 institutions
                           ($10.00 foreign surface postage)

Send orders to:

Journals Division
Indiana University Press
601 N Morton
Bloomington IN  47404
 ph: (812) 855-9449
fax: (812) 855-7931

10) ------------------------------------------------------------

_The Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_

We are very pleased by the great interest in the _Electronic
Journal on Virtual Culture_.  There are already more than 1,280
people subscribed.

The _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_  (EJVC) is a refereed
scholarly journal that fosters, encourages, advances and
communicates scholarly thought on virtual culture.  Virtual
culture is computer-mediated experience, behavior, action,
interaction and thought, including electronic conferences,
electronic journals, networked information systems, the
construction and visualization of models of reality, and global

Contact Ermel Stepp Editor-in-Chief or Diane Kovacs Co-Editor at
the e-mail addresses listed below. You can retrieve the file EJVC
AUTHORS via anonymous ftp to (pub/ejvc) or via
e-mail to listserv@kentvm or


Ermel Stepp, Marshall University, Editor-in-Chief
Diane (Di) Kovacs, Kent State University, Co-Editor

11) -------------------------------------------------------------


Requests to join the _FutureCulture_ E-list must be sent to:

The subject must have one of the following:

subscribe realtime  -subscribe in realtime format
subscribe digest    -subscribe in daily-digest (1msg/day)
subscribe faq       -subscribe to faq only (periodical updates)
unsubscribe realtime
unsubscribe digest
unsubscribe faq
help                -send help on subscribing and general info
send info           -receive info on the FutureCulture
mailing list
send faq            -this file

FutureCulture list maintainer and keeper of this FAQ:

Contact on Internet:

12) -------------------------------------------------------------


Ann Kibbey, Editor
University of Colorado, Boulder

Since 1988, _GENDERS_ has presented innovative theories of gender
and sexuality in art, literature, history, music, photography,
TV, and film.  Today, _GENDERS_ continues to publish both new and
known authors whose work reflects an international movement to
redefine the boundaries of traditional doctrines and disciplines.

                    Spring 1993 Special Issue


       Anne Allison   Dominating Men:  Male Dominance on
                      Company Expense in a Japanese Hostess Club

     Samuel Kimball   _Into the light, Leland, into the light_:
                      Emerson, Oedipus, and the Blindness of Male
                      Desire in David Lynch's _Twin Peaks_

          Vinay Lal   The Incident of the _Crawling Lane_:  Women
                      in the Punjab Disturbances of 1919

       Sandra Runzo   Intimacy, Complicity, and the Imagination:
                      Adrienne Rich's _Twenty-one Love Poems_

   Grace A. Epstein   Bodily Harm:  Female Containment and Abuse
                      in the Romance Narrative


    _GENDERS_ is published triannually in Spring, Fall, Winter
        Single Copy rates:  Individual $9, Institution $14
                   Foreign postage, add $2/copy
       Subscription rates:  Individual $24, Institution $40
             Foreign postage, add $5.50/subscription

Send orders to:

University of Texas
Box 7819
Austin TX  78713

13) -------------------------------------------------------------

Eastgate Systems, Inc. announces:

its name was Penelope
by Judy Malloy

(Cambridge, MA) Eastgate Systems has announced the publication of
_its name was Penelope_, an important new interactive novel by
Judy Malloy.

_its name was Penelope_ explores the boundaries of performance
art, hypertext, interactive fiction and poetry.  It is a woman
artist's story--a story about making art, of love, sex, and work,
of being very young and growing older.  The reader is invited to
step into the mind of narrator Anne Mitchell, to see things as
she sees them, to share her memories.  _its name was Penelope_ is
filled with uncomfortable truths, closely observed and stunningly
retold:  the rituals enacted at the opening of art shows of men
dying of AIDS, the conflict between the demands of love and art,
the pain and sacrifice and, occasionally, the rewards of a life
in the arts.  In her introduction, artist and hypertext author
Carolyn Guyer writes:

     If you've never been able to make up your mind whether an
     artist's life is divine or hellish, read _its name was
     Penelope_.  Judy Malloy tells the truth.

Judy Malloy's artists books and electronic narratives, including
_its name was Penelope_, have been exhibited at galleries and
exhibitions throughout the world.  1992-3 venues include:

     The Computer Is Not Sorry               The Houston Center
     (Boston)                                for Photography

     Women and Technology                    The National Library
     (Beverly Hills)                         of Lisbon

     Ringling School of Art                  Intl. Symposium
     and Design                              Electronic Art

An associate editor of _Leonardo_, Malloy has lived all over the
world, from a tent on a small island in the Rhine to a house in
the Colorado Rockies.  She currently resides in Berkeley,

Like all Eastgate hypertext titles, _its name was Penelope_ is
carefully crafted for interactive performance on the computer.
No conventional, paper version of the work exists, or can exist.
The program runs on all Macintosh computers, models Plus or
better.  _its name way Penelope_ sells for $19.95.  No additional
software is required.

Since 1982, Eastgate Systems, Inc. has been a leading publisher
of quality hypertexts and hypertext writing tools, including
Storyspace (tm) and Hypergate (tm) hypertext writing
environments, Michael Joyce's _Afternoon, a story_, Sarah Smith's
_King of Space_, and Stuart Moulthrop's _Victory Garden_.

_its name was Penelope_ is available from:

Eastgate Systems, Inc.
PO Box 1307, Cambridge MA 02238 USA
(617) 924-9044 (800) 562-1638

14) ------------------------------------------------------------

_Minnesota Review_

Tell your friends!  Tell your librarians!
The new _Minnesota Review_'s coming to town!

**now under new management**

Fall 1992 issue (n.s. 39):  "PC WARS"

includes essays by:

* Richard Ohmann              "On PC and related matters"
* Michael Berube              "Exigencies of Value"
* Barry Sarchett              "Russell Jacoby, Anti-
                               Professionalism, and the Politics
                               of Cultural Nostalgia"
* Michael Sprinkler           "The War Against Theory"
* Balance Chow                "Liberal Education Left and Right"

Spring 1993 issue (n.s. 40):  "THE POLITICS OF AIDS"
Poetry, Fiction, Interviews, Essays.

topics include:

* Queer Theory and activism.
* Public image of AIDS.
* Politics of medical research.
* Health care policies.

Subscriptions are $10 a year (two issues), $20
institutions/overseas.  The new _Minnesota Review_ is published
biannually and originates from East Carolina University beginning
with the Fall 1992 special issue.

Send all queries, comments, suggestions, submissions, and
subscriptions to:

Jeffrey Williams, Editor
_Minnesota Review_
Department of English
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC  27858-4353

15) ------------------------------------------------------------


An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Humanities, Arts, and

_Nomad_ publishes works of cross-disciplinary interest, such as
intermedia artwork, metatheory, and experimental writing.  The
journal is a forum for those texts that explore the undefined
regions among critical theory, the visual arts, and writing.
_Nomad_ is published biannually and subscriptions are $9 for one
year (2 issues).  For information contact:

Mike Smith
406 Williams Hall
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL  32306

Mike Smith

16) -------------------------------------------------------------

author:  Ellen Willis

In her new collection of journalism and cultural criticism, _No
More Nice Girls_, Ellen Willis "offers serious readers the fruits
of her wide-ranging curiosity, thoughtful analysis, penetrating
insights, and utterly unapologetic commitment to freedom and
pleasure as liberating, radical ideas" (_Booklist_).  _No More
Nice Girls_ will be published by Wesleyan/University Press of New
England on February 26, 1993.

A former columnist and senior editor at the _Village Voice_,
Willis is the author of a previous collection, _Beginning to See
the Light_ (also available from Wesleyan/UPNE), which was hailed
as "stimulating and satisfying" by the _New York Times_ and as
the work of an "outspoken, articulate and thoughtful woman" by
the _Los Angeles Times_.  _No More Nice Girls_ brings her project
of cultural critique into the contemporary era of conservative

Available through:

University Press of New England
23 South Main Street
Hanover  NH  03755
tel: (603) 643-7107
fax: (603) 643-1540

17) -------------------------------------------------------------


a new electronic collective
a new place to make news
a new place to write
a new place

contributors to date include:

joe amato
charles berstein
michael blitz
don byrd
luigi-robert drake
nancy dunlop
chris funkhouser
carolyn guyer
pierre joris
michael joyce
andrew levy
stuart moulthrop
derek owens
martha petry
david porush
martin rosenberg
armand schwerner
juliana spahr
kali tal
katie yates

to get involved, contact joe amato:

18) -------------------------------------------------------------

Art | Theory | Criticism | Politics

The MIT Press

Edited by:  Rosalind Kraus
            Annette Michelson
            Yve-Alain Bois
            Benjamin H.D. Buchloh
            Hal Foster
            Denis Hollier
            John Rajchman

                              "OCTOBER, the 15-year old
                              quarterly of social and cultural
                              theory, has always seemed special.
                              Its nonprofit status, its cross-
                              disciplinary forays into film
                              and psychoanalytic thinking, and
                              its unyielding commitment to
                              history set it apart from the
                              glossy art magazines."
                                        --Village Voice

As the leading edge of arts criticism and theory today, _OCTOBER_
focuses on the contemporary arts and their various contexts of
interpretation.  Original, innovative, provocative, each issue
examines interrelationships between the arts and their critical
and social contexts.

Come join _OCTOBER_'s exploration of the most important issues in
contemporary culture.
Subscribe Today!

Published Quarterly ISSN 0162-2870.  Yearly Rates:  Individual
$32.00; Institution $80.00; Student (copy of current ID required)
and Retired:  $22.00.  Outside USA add $14.00 postage and
handling.  Canadians add additional 7% GST.  Prepayment is
required.  Send check payable to _OCTOBER_ drawn against a US
bank, MasterCard or VISA number to:  MIT Press Journal / 55
Hayward Street / Cambridge, MA 02142-1399 / TEL: (617) 233-2889 /
FAX: (617) 258-6779 / E-Mail:

19) -------------------------------------------------------------


"...conveys an excitement
  rarely seen in academic
  periodicals.  The array of
  subjects is dizzying."
           -- Wendy Steiner
  Times Literary Supplement


Number 42 * Spring 1993
Edited by R. Howard Bloch and Carla Hesse

"The Library Without Walls:  Fifteenth to Twenty-First

"History, Philosophy, and Ambitions of the Bibliotheque de

"The Everyday Life of an Administrator of the Bibliotheque

"The Place of Books."

"New Reading Technologies."

"Information and Democracy:  The Libraries of Eastern Europe."

"The Site of Reading:  Urban Libraries from Labrouste to

"The New San Francisco Public Library:  Reprisals of the Civic

Subscriptions:  Individuals $30.00, Students $22.00, Institutions
$57.00.  Outside U.S. add $6.00 postage.

To order, write:

University of California Press
Journals Division
2120 Berkeley Way
Berkeley CA  94720
fax: (510)643-7172 (VISA/MC only)

20) -------------------------------------------------------------

E-Poetry Literary Journal

                              In all arts there is a physical
                              component...We must expect great
                              innovations to transform the entire
                              technique of the arts.
                                                  --Paul Valery

This list was formed to serve as a vehicle for (1) distribution
of an interactive literary journal: _RIF/T_ and related exchange
(2) collection of any information related to contemporary

_RIF/T provides a forum for poets that are conversant with the
media to explore the full potential of a true electronic journal.
Dynamic--not static, _RIF/T_ shifts and riffs with the diction of
"trad" poetry investigating a new, flexible, fluid poetry of

_RIF/T_ has the listserv name e-poetry: to subscribe to e-poetry,
send the command

SUB e-poetry your name

message (again, as the first line in the body of the mail, not
the Subject: line).  For example:  SUB e-poetry John Doe

Owner:  Ken Sherwood

21) -------------------------------------------------------------

_South Atlantic Quarterly_
Winter 1993 (Volume 92, Number 1)

_The World According to Disney_

Guest Editor:  Susan Willis


Critical Vantage Points on Disney's World
Susan Willis

Reality Revisited
Karen Klugman

Of Mice and Ducks:  Benjamin and Adorno on Disney
Miriam Hansen

It's a Small World After All:  Disney and the Pleasures of
Jane Kuenz

The Cartoonist's Front
Holly Allen and Michael Denning

Disney World:  Public Use/Private State
Susan Willis

The Contemoprary Future of Tommorow
Shelton Waldrep

Technological Utopias
Alexander Wilson

Theme Park
Arata Isozaki

Subscription Prices:  $48 institutions, $24 individuals.  Single
issues $12.  Please add $8 for postage outside the U.S.

Box 90660
N.C. 27708

22) -------------------------------------------------------------

Social Science Computer Review

G. David Garson, Editor
Ronald Anderson, Co-Editor

The official journal of the Social Science Computing Association,
_SSCORE_ provides a unique forum for social scientists to acquire
and share information on the research and teaching applications
of microcomputing.  Now, when you subscribe to _Social Science
Computer Review_, you automatically become a member of the Social
Science Computing Association.

Recent articles:

Social Impacts of Computing:  Codes of Professional Ethics
Ronald Anderson

Teledemocracy and Political Science
William H. Dutton

Trends in the Use of Computers in Economics Teaching in the
United Kingdom
Guy Judge and Phil Hobbs

The Essentials of Scientific Visualization:  Basic Techniques and
Common Problems
Steve E. Follin

Psychology:  Keeping up with the State of the Art in Computing
Charles Huff

Computer Assistance in Qualitative Sociology
David R. Heise

Automating Analysis, Visualization, and Other Social Science
Research Tasks
Edwin H. Carpenter

From Mainframes to Micros:  Computer Applications for
Robert V. Kemper, Ronald K. Wetherington, and Michael Adler

Subscription prices:  $48 individuals, $80 institutions
Single Issue:  $20
Please add $8 for postage outside the U.S.
Canadian residents add 7% GST

Duke University Press/ Journals Division / Box 90660 /Durham NC

23) -------------------------------------------------------------

_Studies in Popular Culture_
Dennis Hall, editor.

_Studies in Popular Culture_, the journal of the Popular Culture
Association in the South and the American Culture Association in
the South, publishes articles on popular culture and American
culture however mediated:  through film, literature, radio,
television, music, graphics, print, practices, associations,
events--any of the material or conceptual conditions of life.
The journal enjoys a wide range of contributors from the United
States, Canada, France, Israel, and Australia, which include
distinguished anthropologists, sociologists, cultural
geographers, ethnomusicologists, historians, and scholars in mass
communications, philosophy, literature, and religion.

Please direct editorial queries to the editor:
Dennis Hall
Department of English
University of Louisville
Louisville KY  40292
tel: (502) 588-6896/0509
Fax: (502) 588-5055

All manuscripts should be sent to the editor care of the English
Department, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292.
Please enclose two, double-spaced copies and a self-addressed
stamped envelope.  Black and White illustrations may accompany
the text.  Our preference is for essays that total, with notes
and bibliography, no more than twenty pages.  Documentation may
take the form appropriate for the discipline of the writer; the
current MLA stylesheet is a useful model.  Please indicate if the
work is available on computer disk.  The editor reserves the
right to make stylistic changes on accepted manuscripts.

_Studies in Popular Culture_, is published semiannually and is
indexed in the _PMLA Annual Bibliography_.  All members of the
Association receive _Studies in Popular Culture_.  Yearly
membership is $15.00 (International:  $20.00).  Write to the
Executive Secretary, Diane Calhoun-French, Academic Dean,
Jefferson Community College-SW, Louisville, KY 40272, for
membership, individual issues, back copies, or sets.  Volumes I-
XV are available for $225.00.

24) -------------------------------------------------------------

_VIRUS 23_

For those brave souls looking to explore the Secret of Eris, you
may wish to check out _VIRUS 23_.

2 and 3 are even and odd,
2 and 3 are 5,
therefore 5 is even and odd.

_Virus 23_ is a codename for all Erisian literature

Don Webb
6304 Laird Dr.
Austin, TX 78757

_VIRUS 23_ is the annual hardcopy publication of A.D.o.S.A, the
Alberta Department of Spiritual Affairs.  This is what a few of
cyberculture's luminaries have had to say about it:

All issues are available at $7.00 ppd from:

_VIRUS 23_
Box 46
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 5E7

Various chunks of _VIRUS 23_ can be found at Tim Oerting's
alt.cyberpunk ftp site (, in
/public/alt.cyberpunk. check it out).

For more information online contact Darren Wershler-Henry:

25) -------------------------------------------------------------


announcing a new list available from:  listserv@uriacc

To subscribe to _Zines-L_ send a message to:

on one line type:
SUBSCRIBE ZINES-L first name last name

26) -------------------------------------------------------------

             _Postmodern Culture_ announces PMC-MOO

PMC-MOO is a new service offered (free of charge) by _Postmodern
Culture_.  PMC-MOO is a real-time, text-based, virtual reality
environment in which you can interact with other subscribers of
the journal and participate in live conferences.  PMC-MOO will
also provide access to texts generated by _Postmodern Culture_
and by PMC-TALK, and it will provide the opportunity to
experience (or help to design) programs which simulate
object-lessons in postmodern theory.  PMC-MOO is based on the
LambdaMOO program, freeware by Pavel Curtis.

To connect to PMC-MOO, you *must* be on the internet.  If you
have an internet account, you can make a direct connection by
typing the command

telnet 7777

at your command prompt.  Once you've connected to the server, you
should receive onscreen instructions on how to log in to PMC-MOO.

If you do not receive these onscreen instructions, but instead
find yourself with a straight login: and password: prompt, it
means that your telnet program or interface is ignoring the 7777
at the end of the command given above, and you will need to ask
your local user-support people how to telnet to a specific port
number. If you have the Emacs program on your system and would
like information about a customized client program for PMC-MOO
that uses Emacs, contact by e-mail.

27) -------------------------------------------------------------

Call for papers/participants in
interdisciplinary conference on

Please contact:

Steven Mentor
Dept. of English
University of Washington
Seattle WA  98195

We welcome all disciplines and perspectives including historians,
philosophers, computer scientists, bio(nic?) engineers, medical
technologists, cognitive psychologists, anthropologists,
sociologists, science fiction writers, poets, artists, and of
course, cyborgs them/ourselves.  We are planning to put on the
conference in Winter, 1994, so please write us with issues,
questions, quandaries, directions, permutations.

28) -------------------------------------------------------------

Call for Papers on Don DeLillo

Papers are solicited on the topic of the writings of Don DeLillo
(his fiction, drama, and journalism) for possible inclusion in a
cluster section of a future issue of _Postmodern Culture_.
Selected essays may also be included in a book collection planned
for later publication.

Inquiries may be sent to Glen Scott Allen at:


or by mail to:

Stephen D. Bernstein
English Department
University of Michigan
Flint, MI 48502

29) -------------------------------------------------------------

Call for Submissions

_Hypertext Fiction and the Literary Artist_ is a research project
investigating the use of hypertext technology by creative

The project consists of evaluations of software and hardware,
critiques of traditional and computerized works, and a guide to
sites of publication.

We would like to request writers to submit their works for
review.  Publishers are requested to send descriptions of their
publications with subscription fees and submission formats.  We
are especially interested to hear from institutions which teach
creative writing for the hypertext format.

To avoid swamping our e-mail account, please limit messages to a
page or two in length.  Send works on disk (IBM or Mac) or
hardcopy to:

_Hypertext Fiction and the Literary Artist_
3 Westcott Upper
London, Ontario
N6C 3G6

30) -------------------------------------------------------------

Call for Papers/Fiction/Poetry
_Minnesota Review_ Fall, 1993

Fall Issue (n.s. 41, 1993):  "The Institution of English"

Professional context and institutional formation of literature.
We welcome articles and particularly review-essays on recent
trends in criticism, theory, and literature such as "The New
Medievalism" or the _boundary 2_ school, as well as on
institutional structures, such as NEH, MLA, graduate
assistantships, SCT, the rise of cultural studies programs, new
journals, book series, and the politics of publishing.

Essays, interviews, and reviews due by June 1, 1993.

Send all queries, comments, suggestions, submissions, and
subscriptions to:

Jeffrey Williams
_Minnesota Review_
Department of English
East Carolina University
Greenville NC  27858-4353

31) -------------------------------------------------------------


Welcome to the Future

_PHAGE_ is a new magazine for people who are living on the new
edge, surfing along the new wave of radical thought.  This
magazine was born from the need for a forum for new ideas in
print media.

_PHAGE_ will be designed and produced on the Macintosh computer,
in an 8 1/2 x 11" format, and each issue will be in the area of
64 pages.  We are planning to sell the magazine at a cover price
of $3.50 (US), but until costs are measured, we cannot say for

We are looking for submissions and assistance with this project
from all angles:  fiction writers, essayists, ranters, graphic
designers, artists, poets, etc..  Submissions are welcome in any
form, in any style or tone, though that is not a guarantee that
everything we receive will be printed.  We are looking for
submissions as soon as possible, but feel free to send them
whenever you like.  However, due to a lack of available
resources, we are unable, for now, to reward monetarily those who
contribute to _PHAGE_.  While we have little money, our primary
interest is producing the highest-quality magazine possible,
containing an immense spectrum of information.

Possible topics include:

Focusing on the Edges of Culture, examining the Fringes of Reason
and the Reasons of the Fringe, the Here and Now and Soon-to-Be,
via unstructured Tones that Ebb and Flow from In-Form Information
to Formless Rants of Altered States.

If you would like to contribute to _PHAGE_ in any way, please
send all queries, submissions, tips, words of wisdom, etc., to us
on the Internet at:


If you do not have Internet access, please send mail to:

_PHAGE_ Magazine
Green Bay, WI  54304

32) -------------------------------------------------------------

[PMC editor's note: the SUNY Press Series _Postmodern Culture_ is
not affiliated with the electronic journal _Postmodern Culture_.]

Announcement and Call for Submissions
_Postmodern Culture_

_Postmodern Culture_
A SUNY Press Series

Series Editor:  Joseph Natoli
Editor:         Carola Sautter

Center for Integrative Studies, Arts and Humanities
Michigan State University

We invite submissions of short book manuscripts that present a
postmodern crosscutting of contemporary headlines--green politics
to Jeffrey Dahmer, Rap Music to Columbus, the Presidential
campaign to Rodney King--and academic discourses from art and
literature to politics and history, sociology and science to
women's studies, from computer studies to cultural studies.

This series is designed to detour us off modernity's yet-to-be-
completed North-South Superhighway to Truth and onto
postmodernism's "forking paths" crisscrossing high and low
culture, texts and life-worlds, selves and sign systems, business
and academy, page and screen, "our" narrative and "theirs,"
formula and contingency, present and past, art and discourse,
analysis and activism, grand narratives and dissident narratives,
truths and parodies of truths.

By developing a postmodern conversation about a world that has
overspilled its modernist framing, this series intends to link
our present ungraspable "balkanization" of all thoughts and
events with the means to narrate and then re-narrate them.
Modernity's "puzzle world" to be "unified" and "solved" becomes
postmodernism's multiple worlds to be represented within the
difficult and diverse wholeness that their own multiplicity and
diversity shapes and then re-shapes.

Accordingly, manuscripts should display a "postmodernist style"
that moves easily and laterally across public as well as academic
spheres, "inscribes" within as well as "scribes" against realist
and modernist modes, and strives to be readable-across-multiple-
narratives and "culturally relative" rather than "foundational."

Inquiries, proposals, and manuscripts should be addressed to:

Joseph Natoli
Series Editor


Carola Sautter
SUNY Press
SUNY Plaza
Albany, NY 12246-0001

33) -------------------------------------------------------------

Call for Papers
_PSYCHE:  an interdisciplinary
journal of research on consciousness_

You are invited to submit papers for publication in the inaugural
issue of _PSYCHE:  an interdisciplinary journal of research on
consciousness_ (ISSN:  1039-723X).

_PSYCHE_ is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting
the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness
and its relation to the brain.  _PSYCHE_ publishes material
relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by
the disciplines of Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Psychology,
Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and Anthropology.
Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged.
_PSYCHE_ publishes a large variety of articles and reports for a
diverse academic audience four times per year.  As an electronic
journal, the usual space limitations of print journals do not
apply; however, the editors request that potential authors do not
attempt to abuse the medium.  _PSYCHE_ also publishes a hardcopy
version simultaneously with the electronic version.  Long
articles published in the electronic format may be abbreviated,
synopsized, or eliminated from the hardcopy version.

Submitted matter should be preceded by:  the author's name;
address; affiliation; telephone number; electronic mail address.
Any submission to be peer reviewed should be preceded by a 100-
200 word abstract as well.  Note that peer review will be blind,
meaning that the prefatory material will not be made available to
the referees.  In the event that an article needs to be shortened
for publication in the print version of _PSYCHE_, the author will
be responsible for making any alterations requested by the

Any figures required should be designed in screen-readable ASCII.
If that cannot be arranged, figures should be submitted as
separate postscript files so that they can be printed out by
readers locally.

Authors of accepted articles assign to _PSYCHE_ the right to
publish the text both electronically and as printed matter and to
make it available permanently in an electronic archive.  Authors
will, however, retain copyright to their articles and may
republish them in any forum so long as they clearly acknowledge
_PSYCHE_ as the original source of publication.


Subscriptions to the electronic version of _PSYCHE_ may be
initiated by sending the one-line command, SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-L
Firstname Lastname, in the body on an electronic mail message to:


34) -------------------------------------------------------------

Call for Papers on the
work of Derek Walcott

_VERSE_ is calling for submissions for a special issue devoted to
the work of Derek Walcott:  12-15 page articles on his poetry or
plays; poems that are indebted to Walcott in some way.  _VERSE_
is a journal published both in the UK and out of the College of
William and Mary in Virginia.  The articles should be written for
an informed, but not necessarily academic, audience.  Deadline:
end of August.

Please direct inquires to:

Susan M. Schultz
Department of English
1733 Donaghho Road
University of Hawaii-Manoa
Honolulu HI  96822
(h) 808-942-3554
(w) 808-956-3061

35) -----------------------------------------------------------


PANEL: Feminist Theory and Technoculture
CONFERENCE: Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA)
DATE: April 8 & 9, 1994
PLACE:  Pittsburgh, PA

This panel will address a variety of feminist theories
(poststructuralist, Marxist, Gender and Sexuality Studies,
ecofeminism, etc.) as they respond to the problems and
possibilities of the culture of technology.  Topics include (but
are not limited to) the Internet (incl. bbs, lists, email,
electronic conferences, MUSHES, MUDS, etc); television,
telephone, fax and other electronic media; and technoliterature.

Send inquiries to

Send abstracts and papers by September 1 to
Prof. Lila Hanft
Dept. of English
11112 Bellflower Rd.
Case Western Reserve Univ.
Cleveland, OH  44106-7117

36) -------------------------------------------------------------

_International Conference on Refereed
Electronic Journals:  Towards a Consortium
for Networked Publications_

October 1-2, 1993
(Friday & Saturday)

Sponsored by:

Medical Research Council
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council
Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada
The University of Manitoba

The Delta Winnipeg Hotel
288 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0B8

The aims of the conference are: (1) to make academic merit the
sole consideration in the publication of journal-type research,
(2) to advance the idea that the academic community should have a
hand in determining what gets published and how it is
disseminated, (3) to provide an outlet for research publication
that is not subject to the severe economic constraints of
traditional paper-journal publishing, (4) to make collective use
of the scholarly advantages of network publication (savings in
production costs, increased speed in publication and
dissemination process), (5) to provide an effective and low-cost
means for universities and learned societies to play a greater
role as disseminators of research information, and not only as
producers and consumers.

This historic two-day event will be organized as a series of
plenary working sessions that will include presentations from
major resource people from a variety of fields.  An exhibition of
the latest computer technology is also planned.  Registration is
limited to 200 participants.

Registration Information


     If paid by September 1, 1993:           $150.00 (Cdn)
     If paid after September 1, 1993:        $200.00 (Cdn)
     Dinner for Guests of participants:      $ 30.00 (Cdn)

Requests for information or the completed Conference Registration
Form together with payment should be sent to:

Ms. Helga Dyck, Co-ordinator
Institute for the Humanities
Room 108 Isbister Bldg.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada
ph.: (204) 474-9599
fax: (204) 275-5781

37) -------------------------------------------------------------

               "THE WATCH-TOWERS OF PEACE"

          An Art Installation By Fred Forrest (FR)
               May 28th - 4th June 1993

          Installation telephone Numbers:

               0043 3453 5411
               0043 3453 5412
               0043 3453 5413




We would like to draw your attention to an installation that will
be realised by the artist Fred Forrest within the framework of
the European Month of Culture in Graez.  The installation will
incorporate the general theme "Entegenzte Grenzen" (Dismissed
Borders) and function as leading project.  It will open in April
and can already be considered as extraordinary and exemplary.

The technological communication media Fred Forrest is going to
install at the Slovenian border will be placed in such a way that
they will look in the direction of the former Yugoslavian
territory and are called


These technological communication media will consist of five
sound amplifiers connected to computers and the INTERNATIONAL
TELEPHONE NETWORK.  The metal structures designed to carry these
strong amplifiers will be erected in Ehrenhausen, directly at the
Austrian-Slovenian border.  Through these amplifiers, peace
messages are to be emitted in real-time mode.  These peace
messages will be transmitted to the amplifiers via telephone from
the whole world over.

A computer will be used to transform the messages via synthesizer
into one collective sound signal.  The modulation of this
whistling sound will change in accordance with both the number of
incoming phone calls and the distance from which they come.

There is no doubt that the interaction of Fred Forrest's project
and its symbolic dimension in view of the present geopolitical
situation make the installation a first class media event and
emphasize the meaning of our modern society's new forms of

For more information, please write to:

          Fred Forrest
          Territoire Du MZ,
          60540 Anserville,

          Tel 44 08 43 05
          Fax 44 08 59 67

38) -------------------------------------------------------------

(1-800-724-4332)  montage93@brock1p.bitnet

The future of visual communication will open up to educators,
professionals and the public during an international festival
slated for July 11 through August 7, 1993 in Rochester, New York.

The festival will explore the present and future of image-making
as well as the fusion of art and technology.  _MONTAGE 93_ will
feature the latest advances in imaging technology through a
series of events which include a Trade Show, International Film
and Video Festivals, Lecture and Panel series, Arts & Technology
Exposition, International Student Festival and world-premiere

The lecture and panel discussion series will focus on numerous
topics including digital museums, living in the computer age,
privacy and civil liberties in the computer age, Virtual Reality,
the future of film and video, and more.

Sixteen exhibitions, including 11 premiering at the festival,
along with the works of over 300 international artists will
feature photography, computer graphics, holography, video,
electrostatic imaging, electronic transmission and other advanced

The Trade Show will include a pavilion of over 50 international
companies dealing with many facets of technology.  Expect to see
manufacturers of next-generation of digital cameras, Interactive
and Virtual Reality, Computer 2D and 3D graphic software,
business imaging and more.

The International Student Festival will draw about 500 students
and educators from across the globe.  A Media Teachers
Educational Conference will also take place during _MONTAGE 93_.

The Arts & Technology Exposition puts you inside simulated studio
environments as artists and tool developers demonstrate still,
moving, dimensional, and interactive image-making systems.

The International Film Festival will feature screenings of new
films, 35 and 16 mm, created by independent producers.

Video, Etc. is a showcase of video, computer animation, and time-
based electronic work by international artists and independent

Several professional conferences will take place during _MONTAGE
93_ including:  High-Tech Global New York; Oracle; Fast Rewind;
International Visual Sociology Association; and the Media Arts
Teachers Association.

_MONTAGE 93_ now has available ticketing and registration
information.  This includes the names and topics scheduled for
panel discussions and seminars.  Please call 1-800-724-4332 and
request additional information or call (716) 442-6722 (overseas)
or e-mail:  montage93@brock1p.bitnet.

39) -------------------------------------------------------------


_FEMISA_ is conceived as a list where those who work on or think
about feminism, gender, women and international relations, world
politics, international political economy, or global politics,
can communicate.

Formally, _FEMISA_ was established to help those members of the
Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Section of the _International
Studies Association_ keep in touch.  More generally, I hope that
_FEMISA_ can be a network where we share information in the area
of feminism or gender and international studies about
publications or articles, course outlines, questions about
sources or job opportunities, information about conferences or
upcoming events, or proposed panels and information related to
the _International Studies Association_.

To subscribe:  send one line message in the BODY of mail-message

                       sub femisa your name


To unsub send the one line message

                           unsub femisa


I look forward to hearing suggestions and comments from you.

Owner:  Deborah Stienstra
        Department of Political Science
        University of Winnipeg

40) -------------------------------------------------------------

_HOLOCAUS:  Holocaust list_


HOLOCAUS@uicvm has become part of the stable of electronic mail
discussion groups ("lists") at the University of Illinois,
Chicago.  It is sponsored by the University's History Department
and its Jewish Studies Program.

To subscribe to HOLOCAUS, you need an Internet or Bitnet computer
account.  From that account, send this message to

                  SUB HOLOCAUS Firstname Surname

Use your own Firstname and Lastname.  You will be automatically
added.  You can read all the mail, and send your own postings to
everyone on the list (We have about 100 subscribers around the
world right now).


The HOLOCAUS policies are:

1.   The coverage of the list will include the Holocaust itself,
     and closely related topics like anti-Semitism, and Jewish
     history in the 1930's and 1940's, as well as related themes
     in the history of WW2, Germany, and international diplomacy.

2.   We are especially interested in reaching college teachers of
     history who already have, or plan to teach courses on the
     Holocaust.  In 1991-92, there were 265 college faculty in
     the US and Canada teaching courses on the Holocaust (154 in
     History departments, 67 in Religion, and 46 in Literature).
     An even larger number of professors teach units on the
     Holocaust in courses on Jewish history (taught by 273
     faculty) and World War II (taught by 373), not to mention
     many other possible courses.  Most of these professors own
     PC's, but do not use them for e-mail.  We hope our list will
     be one inducement to go on line.  _HOLOCAUS_ will therefore
     actively solicit syllabi, reading lists, termpaper guides,
     ideas on films and slides, and tips and comments that will
     be of use to the teacher who wants to add a single lecture,
     or an entire course.

3.   H-Net is now setting up an international board of editors to
     guide _HOLOCAUS_ policy and to help stimulate contributions.

4.   _HOLOCAUS_ is moderated by Jim Mott (, a
     PhD in History.  The moderator will solicit postings (by e-
     mail, phone and even by US mail), will assist people in
     subscribing and setting up options, will handle routine
     inquiries, and will consolidate some postings.  The
     moderator will also solicit and post newsletter type
     information (calls for conferences, for example, or listings
     of sessions at conventions).  It may prove feasible to
     commission book and article reviews, and to post book
     announcements from publishers.  Anyone with suggestions
     about what _HOLOCAUS_ can and might do is invited to send in
     the ideas.

5.   The tone and target audience will be scholarly, and academic
     standards and styles will prevail.  _HOLOCAUS_ is affiliated
     with the _International History Network_.

6.   _HOLOCAUS_ is a part of H-Net, a project run by computer-
     oriented historians at the U of Illinois.  We see moderated
     e-mail lists as a new mode of scholarly communication; they
     have enormous potential for putting in touch historians from
     across the world.  Our first list on urban history, _H-
     URBAN@UICVM_, recently started up with Wendy Plotkin as
     moderator.  _H-WOMEN_ is in the works, with discussions
     underway about other possibilities like Ethnic, Labor, and
     US South.  We are helping our campus Jewish Studies program
     set up _JSTUDY_ (restricted to the U of Illinois Chicago
     campus, for now), and are considering the creation of _H-
     JEWISH_, also aimed at academics, but covering the full
     range of scholarship on Jewish history.  If you are
     interested in any of these projects, please e-write Richard
     Jensen, for we are now (as of late April) in a critical
     planning stage.

7.   H-Net has an ambitious plan for training historians across
     the country in more effective use of electronic
     communications.  Details of the H-Net plan are available on
     request from Richard Jensen, the director, at:


41) -------------------------------------------------------------


Calling all:
                      _Utne Reader_ readers
              Neighborhood Salon Associates members
                        Interested others

The Utne Reader Neighborhood Salon Association is launching a
global network of Internet mailing lists designed to foster small
group dialogue about hot topics and timeless conundra.  We call
them E-mail Salons and they are patterned after the hundreds of
Neighborhood Salons (face-to-face) that we've helped form across
North America since 1991.

Helping to revitalize democracy through vigorous discussion of
issues and ideas is part of the mission of the Neighborhood Salon
Association (NSA), our not-for-profit community service, funded
in part by the Surdna Foundation.  We believe that both online
and face-to-face salons help revive the endangered art of

Anyone who does not live in Canada or the United States can
participate for free.  Likewise, anyone who has an account on
PeaceNet, EcoNet, the Web, GreenNet or other APC (Association for
Progressive Computing) network can participate free of charge.
Otherwise, you must be a member of the Utne Reader Salon
Association to participate.  For a one-time sign-up fee of $12
($20 Canadian) you receive:

* Placement in at least one E-mail Salon of up to 25           
* A printed list of 20-30 members near you who have also joined
  the NSA over the past two years.
* Access to contact information on existing Salons (face-to-face)
  in your area.
* A printed copy of the Salon-Keeper's Companion, our 8-page   
  guide to conducting salons, council, and study circles.


We will not be giving or selling any of our salon mailing lists
to anyone.  Likewise, we ask that you not use any list of salon
names for anything other than salon-related communications.
Everyone has entrusted us with their name, street and E-mail
addresses for this one purpose only; please respect this trust.


           _Utne Reader E-mail Salon Application Form_

First name:
Last name:
Internet E-mail address:
Street address:
Zip/Postal code:

I got this E-mail Salon announcement from:

(Choose one of the following:)

___ I'm currently a member of the Neighborhood Salon Association.
    Get me started in an E-mail Salon as soon as possible.

___ I don't live in the USA or Canada.
    Get me started in an E-mail Salon as soon as possible.

___ I have an account on PeaceNet, EcoNet, the Web, GreenNet or
    other APC (Association for Progressive Computing) network.
    Get me started in an E-mail Salon as soon as possible.

___ None of the above applies to me.
    Send me the registration packet via 1st class mail.


Send your completed form to:

If you have questions, contact us at:

               E-mail Salons
               Utne Reader
               1624 Harmon Place, Suite 330
               Minneapolis, MN 55403
Fax:           612/338-6043
Voice:         612/338-5040  (9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central)
Voice Mail:    612/725-8684  (after hours)

Griff Wigley, Salon-keeper         Patti Cich, Salon Coordinator